Where do lost arrows go??

My neighbor was shooting his crossbow behind my house and lost 2 bolts into the neighbors horse pasture. We found one but not the other. Knock on wood I haven't lost any in a while. We ended up putting to round hay bales up for a backstop so that will hopefully help any that are offline. I bushhogged a place for one of my friends back in late summer and just happened to look down after I had already cut a spot and there laid an arrow. Sometimes you find them when you're not looking.
Yeah the metal detectors work good. I've found that they tend to congregate together when they come to rest. A lot of people I work with come over to shoot and usually I find arrows within about a 1 yard span of one another and often times they come to rest in about a 1' from one another. Go figure.
This thread came to mind during a panic stricken moment I had this afternoon. I spent a couple hours tuning my 3D bow after changing the launcher style. After that I switched out bow/arrows for my FITA setup. I walked out back to my 50yd spot and let one fly....only to hit the ground 3' in front of the target. I immediately thought that I just hosed a brand new Navigator. Fortunately it skipped into a bag target I have behind my hanging bag target and was unscathed. Like an idiot I hadn't set my sight for 50yds from the last time I was shooting it at 20yds.

Here's a pic of the FITA setup if you forgot what it looks like :D

used to have my target set up on top a hill. i thought doing this if i missed the arrows would just stick in the ground on the opposite hill across the small holler. after i lost a half dozen i got wise and looked up in the only tree in the holler to see all my arrows stuck in the side of the tree about 9 ft up. i felt like a dumbasss
UTGrad said:
That thing is awesome...bet the wife likes you taking pictures of it in the living room lol.

That's my home office/man cave :D
buckdead said:
used to have my target set up on top a hill. i thought doing this if i missed the arrows would just stick in the ground on the opposite hill across the small holler. after i lost a half dozen i got wise and looked up in the only tree in the holler to see all my arrows stuck in the side of the tree about 9 ft up. i felt like a dumbasss

:D That's funny!
"There's got to be a Little Arrow Heaven"

C'mon Jay you just wanted an excuse to post a picture of that bow again.. You're not fooling us.... I don't blame you either.
if your lucky in the arrow grave yard...if your not they work themselves out of the ground 12 years later to stab your dog in the chest in the middle of the night and cause you a $500 trip to the emergency room...2113's will flat do a number on a 30 pound corgi going full bore to catch a ball.

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