Im pretty much a bow only. I actually got one this weekend. It was pretty much a meat deal, but it was probably the nicest three point id ever taken or seen. It had a pretty nice and high forked side, and the other side was one antler that went up 15.8 field dressed 155, huge huge deer. I was down out of the tree stand, and topped a little hill and he was standing there at no more than 12 yards, NO clue i was around. I pulled back, prefectly broadside, and shot over his back. He ran out about 45 yards and stopped and stood. Still really dumb, not really knowing what happened. He moved his left leg like he was going to give me another broadside shot, and Ive probably practiced 40-50 yard shots more than 10-15. So I went ahead and drew my parker back. When he turned he just more less gave me a slight quarting shot. I found him in my peep at about 52-54 yards, let it go and heard the SWACK.....I was using Sonic Pros, it went in right under the rib cage and through a lung and heart right out the the center of his shoulders in the front. It was a gaping 2-3 inch hole from the broadhead, he didnt go 30 yards. This hunt alone shows you its just as deadly to have a bow as a muzzleloader if you can use it.