Who shoots without a quiver attached?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2005
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I know it is all personal preference. I Have a Kwikee Quiver and I choose to shoot without it attached. I have a tree-bracket and just attach it to the tree while hunting. My bow is tuned without, so it tends to shoot better without.
Does anyone else have this preference? :)
I shot with one attached one year. cost me a doe. there was a loose arrow in the quiver when I shot and she jumped at the rattle, causing a clean miss. before that year I used a hip quiver. after that shot, I went back to the hip quiver.

I did notice when I shot with the quiver on that as I removed one arrow at each shot,the shot impact was over by a couple of inches. all 6 arrows were in a straight line sideways, covering almost a foot.
I rigged up a quiver bracket on my backpack last year and tried it. I really liked it. I fixed one on the new backpack I got this year and I probably won't ever have the quiver attached to the bow, shooting or not.
I have a cloth quiver attached to the side rail of all my summit stands. As soon as I get into my stand I remove the arrows from my quikee quiver and slide them in the cloth one. Ive had a few second shot oppportunities made possibe because you can slide the arrows out of the cloth quiver with little to no noise.
i do like Rocketman. i have a Kwikee and a bracket for it that screws into the tree so i just remove the quiver and stick on the side of the tree when i get in my stand.
I have allways shot with one on as it just causes some mistake opportunities with hanging it up and or getting another arrow off of it with only one hand if i have the bow in my left hand. to each his own.
I dont hunt with mine attached to my bow. I hang it on the tree. I always practice with it off as well to make sure that there is no difference in arrow flight.
Ive been shooting with mine on, but it sounds like I might want to try it w/o sometime.
I hunt with the quiver on, It gives me a MUCH faster reload time incase I need it although i never have to this point!
Mine's on while elk hunting (no other place to put the arrows while spot and stalking), but usually off when in a treestand for whitetails. For me, it doesn't change my point of impact with or without, but for many, it can definetly cause hits to the left or right due to canting of the bow if you're not careful.