Who shoots without a quiver attached?

I use it to cary arrows. Once in the woods it is on a bowhanger upside down with a second arrow already loosened. Learned this move the hard way when having it by my feet cost me a chance at a double one year.
Rocketman said:
I know it is all personal preference. I Have a Kwikee Quiver and I choose to shoot without it attached. I have a tree-bracket and just attach it to the tree while hunting. My bow is tuned without, so it tends to shoot better without.
Does anyone else have this preference? :)

I do the same you do!
I take mine off in the stand but I will practice with it on and off because you never know what might happen walking in or out.
Well I shot today w/o to see how I liked it and Ive figured out that Im gonna shot with it this season but maybe next season I will make the change and try to get adjusted to it.

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