Whose giving up turkey hunting?

I had a normal fir me season. Lots of gobbles no kills. I was hunting Sunday hadn't heard a gobble so I gave up about 3 pm and caught a trout, on my way home in somebody's yard on the edge of the woods was two of the biggest gobblers I've ever seen. I'm recharged and ready for fall.
If our Heavenly Father sees fit for me to make it to the next season with good enough health to chase gobblers like I enjoy doing, I will be out there. It is #1 for me as far as hunting or fishing goes.

If/when it gets to the point that the only way I can hunt them is by deer hunting them from a tent, I suspect I will give my calls away and call it a day. I have hunted them that way a few times over the years, and it just doesn't do anything for me. If/when that happens, hopefully I can rediscover the spring fishing I gave up many years ago.

2021 was good to me. We didn't have many birds where I was hunting, but I was blessed to find a little pocket with a couple of vocal ones that were willing to play most mornings. I had decided before the season started that due to our lack of birds that I was going to self-limit to two at the most. I was done in about two weeks. The morning after I killed number 2, I hunted because I was already over there. I called one up on a friend's property that adjoins my lease, but let him walk as he was from the same flock of birds that are WAY down. I didn't go back after that.

Now, to dream about the #2 on my list in seeing a 100# tarpon on the end of my fly line this summer.
As long as I'm able and Lord willing I'll hunt turkey and morels each spring....we had several gobbling opening week....I killed one tom and my buddy killed one tom and then we backed off and left them alone....hoping we have a good hatch this spring.
I won't give it up but nor will I kill until the population gets back up where I hunt. I have a great place to go to in Indiana too but unfortunately just don't have the time to do so anymore.
Last year was the worst season I've ever had. This year was the best and will probably never be topped. No chance of me ever giving up turkey hunting.
Not happening. I have contemplated bringing my fishing pole when I hunt public on my boat, so I can fish, but I talk myself out of it, as I feel like if the turkey were slow I would distract myself from the mission at hand. I also help taking myself out of that, by telling myself, someone may steal it while you are in the woods.
My season was a really good one. I killed 2 and passed one waiting on the dominant bird to come 15 yds more and he never did. I heard gobbling every morning in April. I too do not like afternoon hunting, but did have one where they gobbled so it was fun.
Like others have said, having a good spot makes it fun. If you have to hunt all public (which I have had to do most of my turkey hunting years) it can be frustrating.
May was tough though. Gobbling was nonexistent, but we managed to hit a private farm on the last day and heard gobbling on the limb, and even found a bird in a field on the way home that I rolled the window down and mouth yelped and he went nuts. We had a good laugh and watched him for a minute or so and concluded our season.
Use to hunt turkeys every chance I got. Fishing has taken over my time. Went one time this year for 2 hours before work. Its fun but its the best time to be on the lake too. Unfortunately I cant be in two places at once.
This year wasn't a good one for me. I didn't get one. I heard lots of gobbles on opening day and was certain I was going to pull the trigger on one but I just couldn't seal the deal. That was my closest encounter. I hunted a few days during the fall season and failed, too! The last few years I've had some great opportunities in the late season at a spot but had nothing to happen there this season. Sometimes I think I'm getting the hang of turkey hunting but seasons like this one prove me different. I'm pretty dejected but Lord willing I'll be back at it again in October.
I will never give it up completely, but I have only been a few times over the last 6-7 years due to the significant decrease in our local population. It just doesn't have the same stigma as it used to for me with so few birds in comparison to the golden years.