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Why do you hunt? Be honest…


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
This should get some good responses. Everyone has their reasons. Tradition, because your buddies do, the score of the deer, meat, what's your why? I'll start.

I started hunting at 8 with my dad in the hay day of west TN public land before clear cuts and leases. This will be my 25th season. Then it was what I grew up in. Couldn't wait to be big enough to go. Got the first deer out of the way and I couldn't get enough. Went through a few years of had to kill the numbers and fill every tag. Anything that had a horn was killed and we were proud of it and to be honest it was some of the funnest hunting I can ever remember doing. No cameras just finding feed sign and hunting it in continuous big timber tracts. After that era I've settled into the sport. Longbow, roundball muzzleloader, whatever new deer rifle I've worked on for the year at hand and most importantly spending the time I have with my old man in the woods. I've never put a tape on a deer. Wouldn't know how to score one without google. Just enjoy it now for what it is. All this new YouTube sensation and talking to new hunters it seems like it's all for likes and publicity. I hate to see the way it's headed. But then again everyone has their why I guess.
The way I look at it, a more fitting question I'd ask is " why don't you hunt"?
But aside from just following what nature made me, being in the woods is about the only " real" place in this world. In the woods there are no lies or deception, everything is neither right nor wrong, it just is. When a rabbit sees a bobcat looking at him both know the score.
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I enjoy quiet time in the big woods. Also love the thrill of scouting finding tracks and trails and then finally putting enough intel together to sit before daylight never knowing what might come down the trail. I don't use cameras usually. Cause I still like the excitement of the unknown. Love the camp hunt with friends more than anything. As that's how it all began almost 30 years ago. Having food is an obvious other reason. The older I get the more it's about the whole experience than anything.
I love being outside . The smell of diesel and dirt planting things. I love the solitude, I hunt alone almost 100% of the time. I love the cold weather and being in a tree high enough almost nothing knows I'm there. I love watching the squirrels eat and play and the smallest sparrows gather food . It's part of who I am and I think I'll always have the desire to do it. The actual kill is way down the list for me.
1. Being in "nature"/communing with God
2. I love eating deer/elk/antelope/etc
3. Unwinding from a stressful job.
4. Comradery with family/friends

Nothing like sitting on a mountain top, with no one around for miles, and seeing AND feeling the sun come up and the world "come alive". Hearing that elk bugle one mountain top over. Seeing a black bear shuffling thru the woods. Watching buck antelope get to a high point on the plains as the sun's coming up, looking over his realm. Watching a herd of mule deer pick thru the brush single file. Watching an eagle fly over a mountain top.

If you can do any of this, and don't believe some "higher power" had a hand in creating what we call "mother nature", then I think your crazy :)