Why is your team your favorite?

Gator Football.........Born and raised in Clearwater beach fla...........Home Team.
Bucs.....................See above.
Braves...................See above............There were no MLB in fla while was there.
Grew up watching UT football and always planned to go there until I ended up playing baseball at Tennessee Tech. Ironically my dad was recruited by Bear Bryant and probably would have gone there until he blew his knee out and ended his football career. To this day when UT and bama play he pulls for the one with the most at stake.

NFL - grew up a Cowboys fan because all of my family pulled for them and I was the youngest and is what I grew up watching. Didn't like the way they did Tom Landry and don't follow them like I once did. I'm a Titans fan now that they're here but its painful.

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