Why more than one pot call.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
Reaction score
Blount co tn
I am new to turkey hunting and I e so far bought a box call, pushbutton, diaphragm and a two pot calls.

I am not sufficient with any of them yet but I notice guys carrying multiple pot calls into the woods. Why is that?
Versatility. Every pot call and striker combination produces a different sound compared to the next. One may be the ticket today (within reason), and another tomorrow.
In some cases it's the conditions that dictate and weather can certainly change during the course of the day. Wind or wet woods can absolutely absorb the sound from some pot/striker combos such that sound simply doesn't carry well. Sometimes high pitch/frequency will reach a bird and he'll holler back when he otherwise wouldn't have.
I usually only carry one pot, five or six mouth calls in a special case, and two tube calls.
It's good to be versatile, but I don't like being weighed down either.
Tubes are my go to now a days, followed by andonized aluminums. Seems that they make a different sound than most calls, sounds that birds aren't used to.

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Two is plenty. You need to pick one of your calls (I would suggest one of the pots) and stick with it until you are confident in yelping and maybe clucks and purrs.
Andy S.":24jfa90w said:
Versatility. Every pot call and striker combination produces a different sound compared to the next. One may be the ticket today (within reason), and another tomorrow.
This sums it up^^^
The truth is that many of us have a sickness. An addiction. An affliction that replaces our rational thought with visions of disallusion. We start believing all the crap we told our wives when we bought all these calls.

Wait till you sit in a blind all day, no turkeys in sight, and you try every call in your vest in hopes you get one gobble. If you only got 1 call, hope can fade fast. LOL
Andy S.":y83wjnyk said:
Versatility. Every pot call and striker combination produces a different sound compared to the next. One may be the ticket today (within reason), and another tomorrow.

This one call may not then one on but another would its important to have options IMO. Plus I haven't happened to me but you never know when you may drop it and break it or something crazy happen. But the main reason is one day a bird may want one call the next it may want another. Its good to at least have an option to go to so you can try to make something happen.
What they said, although I rarely even bring a pot call into the woods.

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Cause clapping don't always get them close :)
As stated before different birds respond to different calls/pitches.
Do you have a specific "type" of woman that "interests" you more than any other? It's like perfume. Several women can walk by me and I'll gag at the perfume they are wearing. But when one walks by with just the right amount and smells just how I like it, I gobble in public. It can be embarrassing. It's also hard to explain to my wife...