Win extended range or Nitros

superdeerhunter said:
Would I be better off shooting the Hevi Nitro in 4x5x7 instead of the coppplated lead ones in 4x5x7.5. Anyone shot the copperplated loads?
I dont think I would pay that much for lead. The lead lacks the killing power at extended ranges.
outbackhunter2010 said:
just throwing a funny out there yodel dog.i know they group not pattern.thought it would be funny with all the patterning talk going on

I know. Just playing along! :)
I have a mossberg 935 which is basically the same gun. I shot Nitros for about 3 years. They are no doubt bad to the bone, but you really need to concentrate when making the shot with the nitros. I missed 2 turkeys at about 15 steps and blamed it on the Nitros. It might just be that I got nervous and shakey, but it felt better to blame the shells. I swapped over to the Xtended range last year because it gives a nice evenly distributed pattern that's not so tight at the close yardage. If you are gonna go the Nitro route, I recommend a scope.
Thanks that helps I ordered the copperplated Nitros to test. Should I have ordered the Hevi instead of the copperplated ones. What size shell are you shooting in the Nitros?
superdeerhunter said:
I have a Mossberg 835 and I am using a Indian Creek choke .675 constriction

Same set up for me too. I shoot the 3.5" Win. Extended Range and love em. Never shot the Nitro's but I don't think you will go wrong either way. Can't find pics, but my brother "scalped" one at 10 yds last year. 50 yds is well within range of xtended range shells too from experience. I'd say 60 is still ethical but I just aint gonna try it and see. Pattern wise it looks good at 60
Here is the pic I was refering to in my previous post!

superdeerhunter said:
Thanks that helps I ordered the copperplated Nitros to test. Should I have ordered the Hevi instead of the copperplated ones. What size shell are you shooting in the Nitros?

I was shooting the one that they recommend for the mossberg on there website. I can't remember exactly, but it was 4x5x7 31/2".

In the winchester Xtended range, I'm shooting 3 1/2" #6 shot.

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