Winston can take it.

He is saying that because it looks bad on FSU and Winston. This story has changed all of a sudden for a reason. To try HELP clear his name which that wont help at all... He has done so much damage to himself he cant be helped. He will still be the #1 pick but he will be a bust and a worthless NFL player who turns out to be a piece of garbage in the end. He ranks in the top 5 as the most hated college players ever. Sad thing is, he knows that and enjoys it. Hope the lawsuit hurts him and reopens the RAPE case and he ends up in jail. If he wasn't any good for FSU he would already be in jail for it.
That would be like me defending Hernandez saying he didn't do it since they have no gun to really prove it BUT WE ALL KNOW HE KILLED Olden Lyod
It has nothing to do with ESPN being liers?

The STORE owner says its not TRUE not espn.

Winston has told two different storys, HIS the one that changed HIS story remember he said he just forgot to pay, NOW its they were free and His boy hooked them up.

WINSTON could not keep his story stright! not espn not the store owner.

He did this to try and make himself look better, but only FSU fans trust his story lol.
mjac":8i9fxmfs said:
THEdonkey0515":8i9fxmfs said:
^^^^ yup heard that story on ESPN they asked the store owner he says Its 100% False.

1) Do you really believe ESPN?
2) Do you really expect the store manager (his job is on the line) to say anything different?

I Think everyone would trust ESPN over winston anyday!! besides FSU fans.

So he has told Two different storys now. even if one is true then he still lied about the other lol? think about it or was they free and he forgot to pay haha that's what he will say next.

Bottom line is winston walked in a store stole some seafood, and his now made up two story's to cover it up only FSU fans agree with lol
Vermin93":pgsnjgxf said:
baddnole, you just said everyone in Tallahassee knew about this a year ago. If that's the case, then why are Jimbo Fisher and FSU now saying this is the first time they've heard about it and why is Publix saying they were not aware of any employees who gave away food to FSU players? Why would Publix have fired anyone if Publix never believed "that any of our associates were involved in giving away product."

It sounds to me like you are saying that Jimbo Fisher, FSU and Publix are now all lying.

yup sounds like FSU fans are saying, Jimbo lies,store owner lies, ESPN lies, Publix lies........ But winston tells the truth and nothing but the truth lol haha funny
When Winston served his suspension and paid his fine it was over with in the eyes of Fisher and FSU. Just hope espin doesnt come after TN or ND. Do not believe FSUis the only ones in major college fb.
Ha! ESPN loves to cover ND, especially when there's the possibility of bad news to report. Trust me, there are thousands of ND fans that have cursed ESPN for negative, biased coverage over the years.

I was listening to Kirk Herbstreit on the radio a few years ago and he made the comment that hardcore fans of just about every major college football program seem convinced that ESPN is out to get their program. He used Ohio State as an example. Even though Herbstreit played for Ohio State, he has caught major grief from rabid Buckeye fans when he has publicly expressed an opinion that's critical of the program. The 10% of Buckeye fans that are insane, obnoxious, over-the-top psychos became so bad, Herbstreit decided it was in his best interest to move his family out of Ohio!

Bottom line is Jimbo Fisher and FSU don't seem to agree with you based on their comments from this who is lying?
Winston was punished ,paid his fine. Double jeopardy trial here.Trey we all know your boy raped the girl also so don't be so high and mighty. Y'all can twist it anyway you want. Donkey why do they call it the Fulmer Cup? Don't pretend Peyton and others did no wrong.T-Martin? Come down from your perch also.. AJ and others------seems like things happen everywhere. It is proven ESPiN lies and appears Publix does also.
First of all I never said UT players never did anything wrong? So why we bringing up players that were in college what 20 years ago?? Lol This topic was about Winston so thats what i talked about.
Not everything that occurs at UT happened 20 years ago. Doesnt matter 20-5 1 are just numbers. It's over. You started the post. Can't hang him twice. LOL. IT can happen at any college. Publix lied---the NFL investgated, not the Bucs--the NFL
baddnole, just admit that Jimbo Fisher and FSU lied in the press this week so we can all move on. I dislike Fisher more than Winston anyways, so I want to read you calling Jimbo a liar. Thanks.
THEdonkey0515":1qwjhpp4 said:
Vermin93":1qwjhpp4 said:
baddnole, you just said everyone in Tallahassee knew about this a year ago. If that's the case, then why are Jimbo Fisher and FSU now saying this is the first time they've heard about it and why is Publix saying they were not aware of any employees who gave away food to FSU players? Why would Publix have fired anyone if Publix never believed "that any of our associates were involved in giving away product."

It sounds to me like you are saying that Jimbo Fisher, FSU and Publix are now all lying.

yup sounds like FSU fans are saying, Jimbo lies,store owner lies, ESPN lies, Publix lies........ But winston tells the truth and nothing but the truth lol haha funny

FSU fans believe it is theft either way. Guilty the first time , even if it was given to him by a store employee it is still theft.FSU fans never said Jimbo lies, but Espin and Publix lie.
Vermin93":2529hbgv said:
baddnole, just admit that Jimbo Fisher and FSU lied in the press this week so we can all move on. I dislike Fisher more than Winston anyways, so I want to read you calling Jimbo a liar. Thanks.

Please explain where Jimbo lied Vermin. He said he just heard about the store employee giving the food to him,Winston. He already knew about the incident. Oh I'm ready to move on and thats not a lie.
baddnole, what did Jumbo Fisher and all of Tallahassee know and believe about the incident before this week?

1. That Winston intentionally stole the crab legs.
2. That Winston did not intentionally steal the crab legs, but he accidentally walked out without paying.
3. That a Publix employee "hooked up" Winston with the crab legs and Winston assumed he could just walk out with them.

If there is another scenario that I am missing, please identify it.
Jimbo #2
Tallahassee #3
Jimbo said this was the first he heard of a hook up.
I'm sure Jimbo thought this was all over. Now FSU must investigate for NCAA purpose.
If a hookup is this an isolated incident .
Didn't say Treon didn't do it... But ur crazy if you think Winston didn't do it and that's why it isn't died down yet. Because he is a punk and cant help himself from being one. It's sad if you are really trying to defend him against the rape charges. FSU sold their soul to win at all cost by keeping Winston out of trouble and covering for him.
TreyB":35zhblp6 said:
Didn't say Treon didn't do it... But ur crazy if you think Winston didn't do it and that's why it isn't died down yet. Because he is a punk and cant help himself from being one. It's sad if you are really trying to defend him against the rape charges. FSU sold their soul to win at all cost by keeping Winston out of trouble and covering for him.
Winston has been cleared. 4 major organizations and a Supreme Court Justice. Once again another know it all who probably has never been to law school but is sitting on the Bench.You are crazy if you think UF didn't sell their sole in 2008. Your remarks are stupid.
So you truly think Winston didn't rape her????? Be honest...

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