Wma respect

I'm on a WMA as we speak. Went and scouted midday yesterday And came back today and a truck was parked in the area I was going to hunt. Simply turned the truck around went up the road a ways eased off in the woods put in a huge chaw of redman silver blend and and enjoying the evening. And if god wants to put a cherry on top he might send a deer my way. It's that easy folks.
I will park next to someone's truck and head to the area I want to hunt cause I have NO IDEA where they are or even what direction they headed once they got out of the truck. Now if I walk in and I see them shine a light at me I will quickly shine back at them to let them know I saw them and head another direction. Just recently I pulled up to a spot that had 2 trucks there already and got my stuff on and headed in. Get about halfway to my spot and a guy shines me and I walk up to him and ask real quickly if there's anyone with him and if so what direction. He said yea and pointed the direction they were in and I explained I was heading about 700 yards deeper in and that I would not be a problem for them. A little common courtesy goes a LONG ways but I have had folks walk in on me and either turn around or do just like I did and go beyond me. I hunt with a saddle so I don't have to worry about leaving a stand but if someone has left a stand in the area I want to hunt and I know it's only been a day or two then I will head in the direction I think the deer are coming from so that way they can hunt their spot and not know I'm farther in towards the deer.
This is exactly why I gave up hunting public land. If I can't get a lease lined up I just don't hunt. Good luck to everyone who does hunt public land. Takes determination, patience, hard work an an infinite amount of patience to deal with ___holes.
You was not raised right
Actually, yes I was raised right. My father is aka dryhorn2 if you would like to ask how he raised me. It's a Public Land WMA. It's first come first serve period! If a person is going to put in a stand before the hunt then they had better get in super early and not get beat to the spot. However, if a young hunter is involved I may let them have the spot.
I hang a stand in public land. I don't see anything wrong with it. Is there only 1 tree in the woods or what. If someone is already there before me. That's fine I just keep driving to a different spot. If they hunt out of my stand so be it. I put it there for my convenience sure. But it also can be someone else's convenience. I nor you owns the woods. I met a couple guys at the parking area and they pointed over to where they just put there climbers. I said ok I got a stand on the ridge out in front of you. We looked at the map on phone they were 80 yards at least away. It was archery so we teamed up. He shot a doe I could see him walking looking for it. I seen it drop and came down and helped him drag it out. It's a little aggravating at times. But deer can be anywhere. I killed a big 7 point a few years ago. I looked up to my right and there was a tree stand 30 feet from me I didn't see. But I still killed the buck. Let's get along and help one another.
This is in the TWRA Hunting Guide regarding WMA's:
Leaving any personal property,
including treestands, unattended for more than
24 hours is prohibited without prior approval
of the area manager. WMAs require that treestands
must be marked with the hunter's TWRA
ID number.
According to that, it's illegal to run game cameras on WMAs without prior approval?

I know some federally managed places that have similar 24hr rules and actually include game cameras in the wording.
Why I don't deer hunt public land and never will again. Last time I was at Laurel Hill it about got ugly before daylight. I'm sure every deer and hunter within 1000 acres could hear me yelling at the guy. I lost my cool to a large extent

Pretty sure his New England accent smart mouth didn't help.

I did move and go on somewhere else. Wasn't worth the trouble I was about to get in.
I guess I'm in the minority here. I always hang my stand the day before and most everyone I know does. Also, I don't bring it out just because I come out for lunch, nor do I know anyone that does. If I'm on a three day hunt that means I'd have to lug that thing in and out 12 times. Do y'all really do that. Not being disrespectful but I'm not going to just give up my spot that I've scouted for because someone else parks in the same area as myself. In saying all that, I'd never walk in, stand on back, and hunt somewhere I seen others. I've hunted a lot of public ground and many times I have guys walk in with me and say there stand is back there. I say mine to. Good luck. It's all part of hunting public.
on a 3 day draw, no way. I put it on a tree on scout day (which most afford) and the only time it comes off is if I decide to move to another area. That being said, if someone lugs it in, and climbs and then you show up and are too close IMO you should move. No way they could see your stand in the dark or know you were coming there. It should always be first come first served on Public.

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