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I know it Angie and Jeremy beat me to the Woodpile but my deepest Congrats are to them for a AWESOME weekend, Spit had his shot at joining the woodpile and coulda carryed his bird to the woodpile last year, goona give it a go this weekend!
Spit has done changed his sig from "Woodpile Wanna-be" to "Woodpile Gonna-be"......

Hang in there Spit.... I saw a couple of handicapped birds you should be able to finish off..... j/k

In all seriousness..... if a "girl" can do it, so can you.... :grin: ;) :whistle: I'm just busting your chops man.....

Best of luck brother, I can send Mrs. G up to shoot cleanup if you need her.... holler!!!
Poor Spit. Maybe his luck will turn around. I sure hope so I kinda feel bad for the fella'. He kinda sounded mad when I told him I didn't take pics of the bird I killed this weekend

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