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Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
This is KIND OF a question for the fishing forum since I was on my way to Paris when I thought of it.
I was headed there to help a buddy swamp out the motor on his house boat. LOL

When you move several hives, or just one, like you did on 54, how do the bees know where to go after you move them????? :?: :?
When I moved those in Nov or Dec it was cold enough that they were in for a several days. The experts say they have a short memory. I don't know about that. In warm weather some will return to their original location if close enough(2 miles supposedly). I move them whenever I have to and put some branches over their entrance hole to where they have to climb over it, causes them to have reorient. People always said to move them at least two miles or two feet at a time. I just do it my way and have never had that many show back at the original location.

They can figure their directions with the orientation of the sun in relation to their hive and the surrounding area such as trees , bushes , etc. When there is a bunch of colonies in a line , they can drift between colonies and wind up with more bees in the outside ones. Those on the highway are not exactly in a straight line and have the trees to help guide them.
Also there is probably something to do with the earths magnetic field to help them find their way. They have been known to forage to five miles or so.

Geesh, complicated little devils.

I wonder if they would make good bluegill bait? Might be a pain to bait the hook though. :D

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