Would this be a good turkey gun?

I shoot one and its a turkey slayer! Never had a problem one out of it. You won't regret the purchase of this gun! With the proper choke/load combo its a hammer on Tom.
Any shotgun will kill a turkey... I got a cheap one, a new england pardner, which is heavy and the pump action gets stuck sometimes. Still it has killed 4 birds and I've only had it for a year.
Swamphunter said:
He probably knows any shotgun will kill turkeys but he has budgeted $600 for a new gun so why not buy the best he can get for the money?

We know 870's are longbeard killers.
Didn't see the budget... skimmed the post too quick. Heck yeah I'd buy the best 870 if I had budgeted 600 for a gun too... I'd love to have an 870, even a regular simple one.
Friend of mine got a 24" APG 3500 back in the fall, so not sure what you meant about being available.

I think the 870 is a great turkey gun though. I have 2 Benelli's and that type of action would be the last I'd pick for a dedicated turkey gun, simply because it's so easy to bump the bolt handle and it'll go click. Although it's only happened maybe twice in the last 10 years (and never while turkey hunting) there's always that chance.

When turkey season rolls around my weapon of choice is a H&R single shot. No better turkey gun in my opinion. If I couldn't use it I'd want a pump.
As stated before I see them in gunbrokers pretty often so I'm not sure were you are looking for them. 870 is a fantastic gun so either would be great. My only opinion is if the 3500 is what you really want then wait it out, would suck to buy a different gun then kick youself later for not waiting. As far as the benelli action I have had ZERO issues with either of mine so I would not worry about that either.

3500 is a super sweet gun but 870 is a winner as well
I check Gunbroker everyday for a 24" M3500 and I am also on the notification list at several gun shops that are currently sold out. I cannot find one anywhere and like I said I'm impatient.. I want (and need) to start shooting soon to get confident and I like the looks of that particular 870 SPS 23". It looks like it would carry real well and it has the style of grip that I believe I would prefer. I'm going to wait until the weekend and if a 24" M3500 hasn't materialized somewhere then I'm pretty sure I'm going to order that 23" 870 now that several folks given it a positive endorsement in this thread.
roost1 has one that I have shot. Killed a bird 40 yards out with it stone dead and I believe he said it's good out a lot farther. He really likes them
I have the 870 sps with pistol grip and s Benelli SBE with steady grip both are great guns and like someone said the choke and the shells make up the biggest difference. However if I were to buy a new semi-auto for turkey today it would be the 3 1/2" Stoeger with pistol grip. Closest thing to a Benelli without the price. I have some buds who use the 3" stoeger and love them. I believe they are good guns. However the best gun for the $$$ is the Biakal or Remington Spartan, since Remington bought them out.. For a 3 1/2" semi-auto in the $350 range it simply cannot be beat much more funtional than the 11-87, the reason remington bought them out.
Only problem is that the 3 1/2" Stoeger semi auto with pistol grip is not currently available and turkey season is right around the corner. Stoeger needs to quit messing around and build some dang guns!