Wound speculation

I wouldn't have a problem with the saber-toothed cats if they'd start eating some of these feral pigs and leave the deer alone. Am actually a bit surprised TWRA would release the saber-tooths BEFORE the puma population becomes more established.

But we have bigger fish to fry than worry about these cats.
Heard TWRA was releasing Maine Coons.
Those will destroy all the turkey nests, and we soon won't have any turkeys left.
I immediately believed it to be a buck that had recently shed its antlers.
The wound could be from anything mentioned.
I did not assume it was a pass through wound.

What I find most instructive in trying to guess the cause is
that he appears to be holding up his right leg (not walking on it).
This could be mere happenstance, but rarely get 2 pics with a leg in same held up position like that.

Could have been a wound from more an angle, hit the leg bone mid-body. May or may not have caused ongoing lung damage. But animals can live on one lung.
It does look strange but all the other three legs are in the same location in each picture so it might be just walking but I agree it don't look right