Wow!!! Arrows go Fast!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
I was shooting in this common area at a bag taget in my subdivision. I was shooting from 40 yards and was trying to shoot a spot on the right side of the bag and the arrow caught the edge of the bag and proceeded to skip off the ice packed snow 150 yards and lodge into the fence that is way off in the distance in the picture below. Pretty impressive how fast an arrow is traveling. I will be safer next time.

I don't think I'd feel safe shooting there..Too many things could go wrong and your arrow end up in one of those houses..
i know this guy that was shooting his xbow one time, he missed the target and ended up sticking in the side of his neighbors house 200 yards away!!! yep they go fast.
Bertman said:
:D Haven't you learned to becareful what you post by now.

That boy's a slow learner :D

UTGrad - don't get archery banned in all of Franklin please :D
I think this was a good lesson learned. Glad it was learned without someone getting hurt. Next time it might not turn out so good.