Wow!!! Arrows go Fast!!

I say we pull this one TTT every couple weeks so he never forgets :D
Use your house as the backstop. If if don't think it's a safe idea, probably shouldn't shoot in a subdivision. I'm a bow hunter and if I was a neighbor, I'd be ticked.
Sure is scary to think about what could have happened if it would have skipped over the fence with children possibly playing in the snow on other side. I agree with jb3. If you scared to shoot towards your own house probably shouldn't shoot towards someone else's. Remember releases and loops could fail at any time. Even when you are not close to aiming at target.
I shoot in a neighborhood all the time usually will attract some walking neighbors that want to watch.

Granted my target is 2 feet in front of my wooden fence and my shed behind that. I think its safe but as everyone has said anything can happen.

Been ok for me the last 6-7 years and all my neighbors trust me as they have seen me shoot 20, 30 and 40 yards and be able to hit a target the size of a dip can.

now in the woods....
I'm not near as accurate
DWM said:
Remember releases and loops could fail at any time. Even when you are not close to aiming at target.

So true, which is why a backstop can give a false sense of safety. Years ago, I had a release fail, resulting in the arrow going a long ways. Scared me bad enough that I immediately changed the release and my draw technique. I have also seen releases fail for other archers. The possibility of a release failing is reason enough to always draw a bow with it pointed level and at the target. That is proper form anyway, and creates less movement when drawing on a deer. If an archer has to sky (point upwards) his bow when drawing, then he is drawing too much weight.