Your farthest lethal range

Longest kill shot (and shot on an animal) was 40 yds. The thing was I was looking at this stump for an hour and figured it was right at 40 yds. well low and behold a big doe came walking up and stopped right next to that stump. Just could not help myself. think she went 50 yds at a dead run. Killed 2 at 35 yds and the rest 20 yds and under. To me the fun part is getting the deer close and not getting busted especially this time of year with liitle to no cover.
55 yds is farthest id try it at. and conditions would have to be perfect. 44 Yds is the farthest I have killed at.
60 yards pretty much all day as long as it's not windy. But i am comfortable shooting at 80 yards but 60 is my farthest. I love shooting long distances tho.
deerhunter10 said:
60 yards pretty much all day as long as it's not windy. But i am comfortable shooting at 80 yards but 60 is my farthest. I love shooting long distances tho.
Bowhunting effective killing distance , not target practice .
I stand by my earlier post , archery is seeing how far you can still hit the bullseye , bowhunting is seeing how close you can get to it . ;) I can also shoot long range in practice to refine my form and bow tuning , but there is a huge difference in the woods shooting at live game .
I'll take a slam dunk shot over a poke and hope shot at long distances . I rely more on bowhunting skills to close the distance .
Nothing wrong with taking long shots under the right conditions on relaxed deer in an open field , yet I'd rather not risk a wounded animal . That's just me . I have been doing it too long and know what can go wrong .
Radar said:
I stand by my earlier post , archery is seeing how far you can still hit the bullseye , bowhunting is seeing how close you can get to it . ;) I can also shoot long range in practice to refine my form and bow tuning , but there is a huge difference in the woods shooting at live game .
I'll take a slam dunk shot over a poke and hope shot at long distances . I rely more on bowhunting skills to close the distance .
Nothing wrong with taking long shots under the right conditions on relaxed deer in an open field , yet I'd rather not risk a wounded animal . That's just me . I have been doing it too long and know what can go wrong .

I agree my friend. I "LIKE" this post.
It's all relative. In most of my spots, 30 is about as far as I can shoot. If conditions were perfect, I'm 100% confident I can cleanly kill an animal at 60. My furthest kill shot thus far is 50. Deer ran 40 yards and piled up.
Longest ever was 43 and I was proud of the shot. I too practice long range and enjoy it. I feel comfortable in perfect settings out to 60 (longest pin). However, 43 is the furthest shot I've taken.

I try hard to pick out trees that get them "top pin close" as my group of guys say. Thats when you know you've done it right and beat them hands down.
I have taken a few at 35 yds or so, but the majority were inside 20. Getting close is what makes it exciting to me. I have never taken pride in how many or how far, but I do take pride in shot placement and recovery. A season with 100 percent recovery is a successful season.
StalkingWolf said:
I have taken a few at 35 yds or so, but the majority were inside 20. Getting close is what makes it exciting to me. I have never taken pride in how many or how far, but I do take pride in shot placement and recovery. A season with 100 percent recovery is a successful season.
I agree , that should be the goal for every bow hunter .
I shoot a mathews lx 29.5 draw 72 lbs carbon express rage 2 blade, i practice at 70 an 80 yards but wouldnt chance a shot like that unless every thing was perfect lol but my pins go out to 50 and im comfortable shooting that rangebut were i hunt will likely never have a clean shot at that range do to the woods in general.