Your first call?

Old yeller pot call was my first one back in 1996 which I got the day after I shot my first Gobbler that fall at 8 y/o. Killed a pile of birds with that pot, an old cabelas box call and an old Quaker boy push pin during my youth, it wasn't until 2012 that I bought my first custom pot call.
Mine was a Lohman cedar box call. Finally went hunting with someone that knew what they were doing and told me I shouldn't use the box once they were within 100 yards. He gave me an Ol' Yeller pot call and finally started killing some turkeys
Lynch's World Champion Box. 1979. Riding a Honda Trail 70 around some crop fields, saw a couple of turkeys run into the woods, rode home, loaded up my grandad's side by side 16, and the box call my brother had, and rode back. Parked the bike, hid in some honey suckle, and started calling. Had never turkey hunted or even used a call before. After an hour, and never having gobbled, they came back out. I was so green, had never seen a Turkey before, and didnt know what a Jake was. I couldn't see a beard, so I figured the only way to tell if it was a gobbler was to hear it gobble. So, I just kept yelping at them once they were out in front of me and one gobbled. The rest is history. I still have that call. Lost it in the woods 3 years ago. Found it last year. What a treasure.
Either a Knight and Hale push pin or single reed mouth call (can't remember the maker). I can't remember which one came first. Nearly 30 yrs ago...
Quaker Boy push pin, but I killed my 2nd turkey using mouth calls (first one other people were calling on store-bought pots). Can't remember what they were. Something cheap from Wal-Mart and then something custom from the gun store that had way more rasp.
Ben Rogers Lee diaphragm. My mother grew up with Ben Lee and was best friends with his daughter in coffeville, alabama back in the day. We saw ben Lee's son at a turkey expo when I was 7/8 yrs old and he gave me a ben Lee cassette tape and a diaphragm.
The Ben Lee cassette tape was worn thin at our house. We actually wore one out and had a second. A couple of 1975 Twin hen box calls and the original super hen with aluminum instead of slate. It was sweet but sensitive to moisture.
Old yeller pot call was my first one back in 1996 which I got the day after I shot my first Gobbler that fall at 8 y/o. Killed a pile of birds with that pot, an old cabelas box call and an old Quaker boy push pin during my youth, it wasn't until 2012 that I bought my first custom pot call.
I had a Ole Yeller call also,sounded good.Dont know what happened to it!
Lynch's World Champion Box. 1979. Riding a Honda Trail 70 around some crop fields, saw a couple of turkeys run into the woods, rode home, loaded up my grandad's side by side 16, and the box call my brother had, and rode back. Parked the bike, hid in some honey suckle, and started calling. Had never turkey hunted or even used a call before. After an hour, and never having gobbled, they came back out. I was so green, had never seen a Turkey before, and didnt know what a Jake was. I couldn't see a beard, so I figured the only way to tell if it was a gobbler was to hear it gobble. So, I just kept yelping at them once they were out in front of me and one gobbled. The rest is history. I still have that call. Lost it in the woods 3 years ago. Found it last year. What a treasure.
I still have that call but never use it anymore!
Early in my turkey hunting years I had a DD Adams double slate and a Lohman Thunder Dome. I gave those to friends of mine that were just getting into turkey hunting. Years later I said what have I done. That DD Adams was the best I've ever owned.
HS strut triple glass.started in '98. Made a lot of EM gobble at first before I started killing anything but I have good memories of scratching out yelps on that call and turkeys gobbling back at me and just being amazed at making a noise that made them gobble. Killed a few Jakes with it.

I remember the Old Yeller and the Primos Diamond crystal calls being my go to calls for a while.
It wasn't my first call, but I put a lot of gobblers together floppin with a $9 Quaker Boy Turkey Thugs glass back in the day. I own a lot of calls now but that one will always be my most memorable.
I left my gun in the woods one time…propped up against a tree. A mile later toting the tom out recognized I was missing something over my other shoulder. :rolleyes:
Primos Aluma-Slate. It was an aluminum slate call. My dad had one and It called in countless toms for me. I missed some and killed a few. I had to buy my own because he wasn't giving his up. I always carry a scotch brite pad to freshen it up.
The Ben Lee cassette tape was worn thin at our house. We actually wore one out and had a second. A couple of 1975 Twin hen box calls and the original super hen with aluminum instead of slate. It was sweet but sensitive to moisture.
That's awesome! I actually have the cassette tape on a CD a guy made recently for me. It stays in my truck. I tracked down an original twin hen box call that stays on my shelf. My great aunt was one of the 6 ladies that made his calls there in Coffeeville, AL in a small shop. Pretty cool. Harold Knight used to stay with another aunt when he would come hunt with Ben Lee.

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