Powerbelt Bullets!!

The Powerbelt debates were fun. That argument brought about some strong feelings back when they first came out. Personally, I think the ones in the sub-400 grain category would flatten out and break apart on target paper.
The Powerbelt debates were fun. That argument brought about some strong feelings back when they first came out. Personally, I think the ones in the sub-400 grain category would flatten out and break apart on target paper.
My oldest brother has had very good luck with the 348s. All pass-throughs. But they're not making the aerotip 348s anymore either. Only hollow points.
If I was still stuck in the olden days, I'd rather use a pistol bullet vs anything branded as a muzzleloader bullet readily available at any big box store. And having anything powerbelt shoved down the barrel is far worse than any pistol bullet! Big holes don't mean much if you don't have any expansion.
Sadly, Powerbelt quit making my bullets (Areotip 405 grn). Once the 12 I've got left are gone, I don't know what I'm going to do.
Fury universals.

I haven't hunted with them yet but bought some to shoot out of my Remington 700 Ultimate and they shoot great. They are bonded and most reviews about their performance (mostly on elk) I've read seem to be good ones.
The main reason I switched to Power belts 3 years ago was how easy they went down the barrel and are very accurate in my CVA!!!
Fury universals.

I haven't hunted with them yet but bought some to shoot out of my Remington 700 Ultimate and they shoot great. They are bonded and most reviews about their performance (mostly on elk) I've read seem to be good ones.
We tried them in an encore but didn't get good groups. Might have been different if we had got more than the sample pack and tried different powder charges. I do like fury bullets tho, I've got several hundred on hand.
ok all. so, help me understand. not trying to start anything, just want some help understanding what you all are talking about. much of what I have learned has been self taught. I've not done a lot of research on bullet performance because, in my opinion, mine have done what I think is good. the biggest majority of the time deer drop in their tracks. I've had a few run less than 100 yards - some with better blood trails than others. Is it wrong not to be worried about blood trails when the deer pretty much falls in their tracks or within sight distance? these bullets were all recovered from the deer.

To be clear, I'm shooting Powerbelt 295 HP. I've attached a photo of 12 recovered PB's. I see, from my understanding, four of them are quite mangled, while 8 appear to me to be near perfect expansion? I never like the Aerotips, so I use the HP only.
MZ bullet.jpg
I was hesitant to use PB but I have switched to the 300 grain Aerolites. It has a larger hollow cavity so it will get good expansion at lower velocities.
what size charge do you use with the 300 grain Aerolite? i've never tried the Aerolites
I've been a fan of Barnes 250 TEZ for quite a few years. They work every time. The very few that didn't pass through expanded perfect. There's lots of debate on different muzzy bullets, but I can't recall hearing anything negative about Barnes. If a different bullet costs a few pennies less, or groups 1/2 inch tighter at 100 yards, I dont care. Most of my shots are inside 100 yards.
We tried them in an encore but didn't get good groups. Might have been different if we had got more than the sample pack and tried different powder charges. I do like fury bullets tho, I've got several hundred on hand.
It took a little patience in my gun but I found something good enough without too much tinkering with different powder charges.


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Sadly, Powerbelt quit making my bullets (Areotip 405 grn). Once the 12 I've got left are gone, I don't know what I'm going to do.
I will have to look and see if I still have them. I know I did at one time. If I can find them they are yours. It will be a few weeks though as I am on vacation at the moment.
I have shot the powerbelt for many years, only deer I lost was on me and see in to this day. 7yrs ago I pulled and hit high, there was blood but lost it after hr of searching then did a grid search, never found her.
I have confidence in the 295 HP I'd be interested in trying heavier to get a better blood trail.
I did see hornady was trying to make there version of the powerbelt and was tempted to try it this yr but they where more expensive and I tried changing to the aerolites last yr and didn't have success as 1 I hit a limb 2 I pulled, yes both were my fault but lost confidence in them. I posted in the muzzy section but didn't get a lot of responses before I restocked on the 295s so now I'm good for couple seasons.