Well-Known Member
Hey Nebraska---when ya start down the rabbit hole of PC watch out..Your new Herbie Husker raised index finger is also the sign adopted by ISIS/jihadist across the mussie world. I guess its ok though since isis do the gesture with the right hand
For most of his existence, Herbie Husker has expressed his approval by signaling what was once universally known as the "OK" sign.
Now that the gesture has been co-opted by white supremacists, Herbie is changing with the times.
Nebraska announced over the weekend that the school's mascot will now show his support when depicted on gear and elsewhere by flashing his index finger in the air to signal "No. 1." The former "OK" sign featuring three raised fingers with the thumb and index finger connected in a circle has been retired.
Nebraska changes mascot gesture to avoid confusion with sign co-opted by racists
“That hand gesture could, in some circles, represent something that does not represent what Nebraska athletics is about.”

For most of his existence, Herbie Husker has expressed his approval by signaling what was once universally known as the "OK" sign.
Now that the gesture has been co-opted by white supremacists, Herbie is changing with the times.
Nebraska announced over the weekend that the school's mascot will now show his support when depicted on gear and elsewhere by flashing his index finger in the air to signal "No. 1." The former "OK" sign featuring three raised fingers with the thumb and index finger connected in a circle has been retired.