Waist pack


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
Christiana (Rutherford County)
Does anybody use a waist pack for turkey hunting? Any vest type makes me sweat too bad. Bought the Knight & Hale Run N Gun (2.0 I think) and even with it being in the 50's yesterday morning and mid-70's for the high I sweated too much and thinking of going this route. Don't want anything with shoulder straps and have an old one but too small for gloves, mask, calls, snacks, and water. Ordered 2 a few minutes ago to look at but wondering if anybody else goes this route and if so what is it? Will have Run N Gun vest for sale if anybody's interested. It comes completely treated with permethrin. 🤣
I ditched my vest a few years ago, do to the same issues. I really like my satchel from Glenda Green. I use the minimalist model. A few of my buddies tease me about it being a man's purse, but it does what I need it to do.
Some vest models have a lumbar pack that you can detach from the shoulder straps. My Alps Long Spur Deluxe is one of them.

That way, you can use the straps for years we have a cold opener.
I bought one at bass pro afew months ago. Redhead brand if I'm not mistaken. Worked good for me so far. Shells, knife, turkey scale , headlamp, strikers, thermacell, 2 pot calls and can still hold 2 bottles of water if need be.
I use a trophy ridge pack but it has shoulder straps but the back is open and you don't get hot. I used to use a waist pack that was the bottom part of a backpack I had bought a long time ago from bass pro. Backpack was ok but the waist pack that came with it was great. Had lots of room but then I would over load it with stuff and it was hard to keep strapped up then. Which is why I wanted one with shoulder straps
I ordered an adjustable nylon belt years ago and bought those camo pouches you used to see at Walmart etc.

I did have to do some alterations to the pouches to keep them from flopping when I walked.

But works perfectly now, plus it can be easily reconfigured.
"Waist pack" 😄 I guess fanny pack was too metrosexual to market to hunters. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck, it's a fanny pack and it's ghey! 🤣
Beat me to it
I've been called lots of things in my 50 years but metrosexual ain't one of them you flaming homos! 🤣 Fanny pack, waist pack…whatever you want to call it as long as it goes around your waist. 🖕

To everybody else thanks for the suggestions!
Does anybody use a waist pack for turkey hunting? Any vest type makes me sweat too bad. Bought the Knight & Hale Run N Gun (2.0 I think) and even with it being in the 50's yesterday morning and mid-70's for the high I sweated too much and thinking of going this route. Don't want anything with shoulder straps and have an old one but too small for gloves, mask, calls, snacks, and water. Ordered 2 a few minutes ago to look at but wondering if anybody else goes this route and if so what is it? Will have Run N Gun vest for sale if anybody's interested. It comes completely treated with permethrin. 🤣
I occasionally use a vest if I'm going to do alot of sitting and waiting, but considering I usually don't take but a call or two with me, I mainly just used my Sitka bino harness. It has a couple extra compartments for a couple calls, phone, etc.
For some with no hips, around the waist without any shoulder straps may have to be cinched too tight in order to stay up. Not a problem for women, but for some of the guys .... nuf said
I've been using a beat up FishPond pack I used to use for fly fishing for about the last 10 years. It's WAY more comfortable than my vest and considerably lighter. It's a lumbar pack that also has a slim strap that goes over the shoulder.

(I'd rather be a waist-packer than a fanny-packer.😂)
I've been using a beat up FishPond pack I used to use for fly fishing for about the last 10 years. It's WAY more comfortable than my vest and considerably lighter. It's a lumbar pack that also has a slim strap that goes over the shoulder.

(I'd rather be a waist-packer than a fanny-packer.😂)
Anyone else see the irony here? A "packer" is something I'd never want to use myself in the same sentence with 😝
Check out the Cabelas speed seat. That's what I use.
I've never hunted birds, I have however ate turkey my whole life. Having said that… you turkey hunters seem to need a lot of "stuff". Not to mention the big azz shotguns and $10 shells that are apparently needed to take down a bird. I never knew you guys were risking your very lives to get these birds.

I guess we are lucky these birds aren't any bigger than they are, or they would kill the children in the neighborhood and eat them.

That's just an observation. You guys can go back to your metrosexual fanny pack discussions now.


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