Subdivision deer

I've actually hunted deer in a true wilderness. They see so few humans that they literally aren't in any hurry to flee when jumped or realize you're there. We've had them follow us back to the horses and stand within 50 yards of us while we gutted one of their buddies. Lol.
Lol The Indians hunted on horseback because game isn't scared of a horse. Get off that horse and see what happens. I've done it many times when I was young trying to shoot one with a bow.
In Tn? If so I'm calling bull shat. I've hiked miles into true national forest wilderness areas and see people's trash. There's very few places on this earth where people haven't been. Especially in the southeast. I've never seen a wilderness buck hang around and see what's jumped him. Too many bears and coyotes for that to happen. It would be hard to imagine a deer out West doing that as well with as many predators as they have out there. We get it you like hunting city deer. I don't have a problem with it. It's doing it for monetary gain that bothers me. Same if a wilderness hunter films his hunt for monetary game. Pimping out our wildlife is wrong.
Lol The Indians hunted on horseback because game isn't scared of a horse. Get off that horse and see what happens. I've done it many times when I was young trying to shoot one with a bow.
In Tn? If so I'm calling bull shat. I've hiked miles into true national forest wilderness areas and see people's trash. There's very few places on this earth where people haven't been. Especially in the southeast. I've never seen a wilderness buck hang around and see what's jumped him. Too many bears and coyotes for that to happen. It would be hard to imagine a deer out West doing that as well with as many predators as they have out there. We get it you like hunting city deer. I don't have a problem with it. It's doing it for monetary gain that bothers me. Same if a wilderness hunter films his hunt for monetary game. Pimping out our wildlife is wrong.
The horses were nowhere close when we were hunting. Lol
I see you're a victim of the holier than thou ethics mentality as well.
Whatever happened to just hunting legal and having a good time? As for hunting "city deer". Can't say I've ever hunted one. But I'm not so arrogant and holier than thou, that I'm going to belittle anyone for legally hunting wherever they can and want.
The horses were nowhere close when we were hunting. Lol
I see you're a victim of the holier than thou ethics mentality as well.
Whatever happened to just hunting legal and having a good time?
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Reread my post, especially the part where I don't have a problem with hunting city deer. It's pimpin out wildlife for money that bothers me.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Reread my post, especially the part where I don't have a problem with hunting city deer. It's pimpin out wildlife for money that bothers me.
"Pimpin' out wildlife for money."…
Are taxidermists "pimps"? What about websites that cater to deer hunters that charge folks to list classifieds and people to advertise on?
Didn't think that one out very well, did ya?
"Pimpin' out wildlife for money."…
Are taxidermists "pimps"? What about websites that cater to deer hunters that charge folks to list classifieds and people to advertise on?
Didn't think that one out very well, did ya?
What are you talking about? That's not even close to killing animals for monetary gain.
You're comparing apples to oranges. Lol nice try though.
I'm not comparing anything. Maybe I misunderstood what you meant. Your statement seemed to imply the forum shouldn't charge a fee to advertise. I'm just asking who you think should pay for you using the forum for information or to sell something?
I don't know if I've put this on here, but I had a TWRA depredation tag before. The deer were eating up these people's yards. They were also stunted and deprived of nutrition. The Subdivision where I hunted was in the county and had a steep draw behind everyone's houses. I could actually use a Muzzleloader there safely to take them out as long as I aimed down the hill. Just had to be sure of the backstop.

I took our four, three does and one 6 point buck. All of them were so small. My friend that worked for TWRA and his buddy took out two with crossbows. Their blind was in this lady's flower bed. :)
I don't know if I've put this on here, but I had a TWRA depredation tag before. The deer were eating up these people's yards. They were also stunted and deprived of nutrition. The Subdivision where I hunted was in the county and had a steep draw behind everyone's houses. I could actually use a Muzzleloader there safely to take them out as long as I aimed down the hill. Just had to be sure of the backstop.

I took our four, three does and one 6 point buck. All of them were so small. My friend that worked for TWRA and his buddy took out two with crossbows. Their blind was in this lady's flower bed. :)
I took out 2 last year but they breed like rabbits. They all look very healthy here. I am planning to take some this year too. Cross bow in a deep draw being stealthy.
They tasted a little like Hostas and Lylies 😂. Actually excellent. Some neighbors want some venison others are totally against it. 🤷‍♂️
Why are you so mad? You sure have a lot of feelings. Another liberal tendency.
I'm not mad? You're the one who openly wants to belittle people for actually going out and hunting and doing their part to control wildlife numbers. If anyone here is "liberal", it's you. You seem to want to be a fascist and push your ethics and beliefs on others.
I can promise you my 💩 is more conservative than you'll ever hope to be.
I'm not mad? You're the one who openly wants to belittle people for actually going out and hunting and doing their part to control wildlife numbers. If anyone here is "liberal", it's you. You seem to want to be a fascist and push your ethics and beliefs on others.
I can promise you my 💩 is more conservative than you'll ever hope to be.
I've not belittled anybody. I'm all for hunting subdivisions. It's a great way to control the deer population. Way better than the alternatives that require tax dollars. I'm just against people who hunt for social media likes and monetary gain. The liberal comments came from you wanting a free ride on tndeer to sell in the classifieds. As far as conservative, well you can think whatever you want as I think your insane and some village somewhere is missing it's idiot.
I've not belittled anybody. I'm all for hunting subdivisions. It's a great way to control the deer population. Way better than the alternatives that require tax dollars. I'm just against people who hunt for social media likes and monetary gain. The liberal comments came from you wanting a free ride on tndeer to sell in the classifieds. As far as conservative, well you can think whatever you want as I think your insane and some village somewhere is missing it's idiot.
Insanity is belittling people on social media because you don't like their take on hunting and dare monetize a YouTube account. Lol
If you're looking for an idiot, go look in the mirror.
Insanity is belittling people on social media because you don't like their take on hunting and dare monetize a YouTube account. Lol
If you're looking for an idiot, go look in the mirror.

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