HB 1618

You say hunt you hunt legal, but bait isn't legal. You're advocating for a method that is currently illegal to be legalized and I was simply wondering where you drew the line.
Look, I hunt by the law. This is not the only state I hunt. I do want HB1618 to pass for my farm. I'm not telling anyone to hunt over bait at all. That's why I say HUNT YOUR HUNT what makes you happy and content. After a military and law enforcement career I differently am pro choice. Always and always by the law or regulations.
You plant corn, bushhog it. On private. Or leave it standing. All with the intent to attract deer, kill one over it. So, isnt this a form of baiting? All plots being hunted over are. It just makes it where everyone can do it. What's really the difference. Just alot of work, cost, chemicals, expense in planting. Not just crazy about it, but it is just this.
Both ways suck in my opinion. I like to hunt deer not just shoot them. But if it's legal you do your thing. It doesn't effect me at all.
You say hunt you hunt legal, but bait isn't legal. You're advocating for a method that is currently illegal to be legalized and I was simply wondering where you drew the line.
You wouldn't throw accusations out over an online forum towards people you don't know would you? Give the guy a break. I'm pretty sure he said way back in this thread he didn't hunt over corn.
Everyone has their reasons. I'm all for habitat management but I have limited time and money. The small lease I have I am restricted on what I can do as far as timber management food plots ect... The property is mainly a pass through property majority of the year. I myself don't care to walk the mountains and put in the time to harvest a deer on public i like that challenge, but that style of hunting is not for my wife and kid. I would like to have a chance at increasing their opportunity on the limited number of times they get to go with me by being able to bait on private. Like others have said you have to be careful at what you put out to be good stewards of the wildlife, but ethics? I have more respect for someone shooting a deer over legal bait then I do for someone that never checks their weapon but once a year and they gut shoot a deer and call a dog to run it to death don't get me wrong bad shots happen but lets be honest at how many "hunters" take full time to prepare to harvest that deer ethically? If we want to say the ethic are the way they done it in the old days then we need to pull out the long bows and muskets with iron sights. Don't attack what is ethical or not because you don't like change. Is all change good? Not always but sometimes it is. You may not like baiting but maybe it helps those who only get to hunt a few hours on Saturday because they work and balance time with their family and it allows them to have some opportunity for the time that they do have to put in. If it was to pass then bait, if you don't want to bait then don't bait but don't tear others down for doing it or wanting to have that opportunity. If it doesn't pass then we all go on the way we have been hunting for generations, but either way if you feel that strong then call your representative and give them your thoughts and not just complain here.
Everyone has their reasons. I'm all for habitat management but I have limited time and money. The small lease I have I am restricted on what I can do as far as timber management food plots ect... The property is mainly a pass through property majority of the year. I myself don't care to walk the mountains and put in the time to harvest a deer on public i like that challenge, but that style of hunting is not for my wife and kid. I would like to have a chance at increasing their opportunity on the limited number of times they get to go with me by being able to bait on private. Like others have said you have to be careful at what you put out to be good stewards of the wildlife, but ethics? I have more respect for someone shooting a deer over legal bait then I do for someone that never checks their weapon but once a year and they gut shoot a deer and call a dog to run it to death don't get me wrong bad shots happen but lets be honest at how many "hunters" take full time to prepare to harvest that deer ethically? If we want to say the ethic are the way they done it in the old days then we need to pull out the long bows and muskets with iron sights. Don't attack what is ethical or not because you don't like change. Is all change good? Not always but sometimes it is. You may not like baiting but maybe it helps those who only get to hunt a few hours on Saturday because they work and balance time with their family and it allows them to have some opportunity for the time that they do have to put in. If it was to pass then bait, if you don't want to bait then don't bait but don't tear others down for doing it or wanting to have that opportunity. If it doesn't pass then we all go on the way we have been hunting for generations, but either way if you feel that strong then call your representative and give them your thoughts and not just complain here.
This is the best comment yet. Very well put Sir. Thank you.
I didn't accuse him of breaking any laws
I'm not the only one that read it that way.
if only the land owner had a say on what he could do on his land that he pays taxes to the government to keep so they can try to tell me what i can and cannot do!!!!
Deeply, deeply opposed. It really gives hunters a black eye. To non-hunters, all it looks like is hunters are so lazy they have to resort to baiting to kill a deer. Which sadly, is exactly the case.
does that mean ky or al hunters have a black eye. ky hunters may be lazy according to you but they produce bigger bucks than we do while feeding!!