1 absolutely indispensable item in your vest?

finally a man of culture lol. TP is for people who dont know any better. DUDE WIPES are the only way to go
Of course I am not some kind of animal lol. Plus multiple uses for cleaning hands, face and nether regions of you are really sweaty.
TP... hands down. I can kill a turkey as long as I have a shotgun and shells. Can mouth yelp one up if need be. But if I'm having to use leaves to wipe in emergency situations, it's hard for me to stay in the woods long enough and still enough to be successful.
socks and underwear and brown jersey gloves are cheap and softer than leaves......just what I heard.....lmao
Water purification.

I can't tell you how many times I've been out and wanted to keep going, but ended up going back because I was running low on water. I'm a big, sweaty guy, and my daily requirement of water would fill my pack up.

Water purification allows me to stay in the field much longer.

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