10 am to 2pm hunt hours

I went back through my harvest pics to see how many have been during those hours, because I knew it was a pretty good amount and I have killed 5 really good mature bucks between the hours 10 -2. 4 of the 5 bucks I killed either in their bedding area on the ground or in a stand at the edge of their bedding areas.
A nooner…

Another one…

In my experience I find that hunting mid day can be very effective during the cruising pre rut phase when bucks are trying to find and check groups of does. It seems best with optimal weather in specific locations (near thickets and transition areas). For me the last week of bow season this year while hunting timber transition areas I would see the majority of my deer after 10 am.
During the peak rut period and the week leading up to it I will hunt all day...I've killed some good deer between 10 and 2...and no it doesn't happen every year...but it's happened enough that I want to be in the woods as many hours as possible during the rut....pack snacks, water and battery pack to charge phone.... during slow periods I'll read...and if I can't hold my eyes open I'll take a quick nap..... hunting proven travel corridors during the rut can be exciting and I don't want to miss it.
I'll be napping at noon .
You and almost everyone else. In all my decades of hunting numerous clubs, leases, farms, public land, etc., I would say 99% of the hunters I was around get down before 11, go eat lunch, and come back for the evening hunt. Even on the President's Island hunt very few hunters stayed in the stand all day.
I've always enjoyed hunting midday. Mostly because if I walk in blind I can see more sign. On public I try and wait till 9:30/10 to walk in if there are cars in the parking lot. Don't want to bust anyone else's hunt up. This was I can also take the kids to school, which makes the wife happy.
  • I tend to hunt pretty tight on bedding areas during rut and often its later in morning before does arrive. Last years buck was a little after 11:00 trailing doe. Usually after daylight before I ease into stand as well.
last year i shot a nice buck at 100pm about this time of year. This past sunday i saw a nice buck at 11am. both were scent checking bedding areas
To much trouble to climb down and pretty good hike to the truck for this old man. I'll hang in the tree all day but don't expect much mid day movement. Prove me wrong and send a big one my way. Then I can count on 2 fingers.
I have very little patience sitting past 9am in the mornings and absolutely ZERO sitting all day. I feel like I sometimes do more harm than good once I get antsy, its usually best for me to get out.
I think it also comes down to why you hunt. Sure, we all want to kill giant mature bucks, but that is secondary to enjoyment for me. I may never kill a B&C buck and probably won't, but I hunt the way I enjoy. I enjoy watching the sun come up and the woods wake up. I enjoy sitting until 10 or 11. I enjoy waiting on that magical last half hour of shooting light. I enjoy going to lunch with my hunting buddies and discussing our mornings. I do not enjoy sitting in a deer stand all day. I sit as long as I'm enjoying myself, but when the time comes that I'm forcing myself to stay I'm getting down.
I think it also comes down to why you hunt. Sure, we all want to kill giant mature bucks, but that is secondary to enjoyment for me. I may never kill a B&C buck and probably won't, but I hunt the way I enjoy. I enjoy watching the sun come up and the woods wake up. I enjoy sitting until 10 or 11. I enjoy waiting on that magical last half hour of shooting light. I enjoy going to lunch with my hunting buddies and discussing our mornings. I do not enjoy sitting in a deer stand all day. I sit as long as I'm enjoying myself, but when the time comes that I'm forcing myself to stay I'm getting down.
Same here. I'd rather go back to camp with all our buddies and cook a big breakfast, have a few beers and watch football - talk about what everyone saw and strategize for the evening hunt. If I had pics or observed a lot of deer movement during the 10-2 hours, I'd probably give it a go a time or two each season, but that is not the case. My all day sits have been VERY unproductive in the past. In fact, every buck I have killed on our place has been before 8:30 am.
Same here. I'd rather go back to camp with all our buddies and cook a big breakfast, have a few beers and watch football - talk about what everyone saw and strategize for the evening hunt. If I had pics or observed a lot of deer movement during the 10-2 hours, I'd probably give it a go a time or two each season, but that is not the case. My all day sits have been VERY unproductive in the past. In fact, every buck I have killed on our place has been before 8:30 am.
I second what you and @Spurhunter said.

Just this past weekend I checked a camera I had hung at my grandmothers farm the end of Sept. Sitting in another stand Saturday evening I was scrolling through the pics, that morning at 9:30am a nice buck made an appearance.
Quick back story on that camera location;
My grandfather passed away in Feb of this year. I hung that camera in the stand location that he always hunted for muzzy opener. I couldnt bring myself to hunt it, just too much emotion at the time. That same stand about 10 years ago he killed the biggest buck off that farm, same weekend.
Back to the card pull....I was sitting their thinking "man, if Papa were here today he would have killed that buck"...then it hit me, no he wouldn't. 9am is about the time he climbs down and heads back to the house to start breakfast. He loved to hunt but the older he got he loved the overall experience even more. He spent more time getting the coffee pot and breakfast menu ready than he did on the hunt planning. I enjoyed it too, sitting there at the breakfast table bsn' about what we saw, or didnt see. Talking about the one that got away, or laughing that big hank is probably under our stand at this very moment while we are sitting at the table sipping coffee.

Sure, all the big antlers I have hanging on my wall are nice but those memories I have of drinking coffee with my grandad are priceless. If you can make those memories by sitting in a tree all day, great, but if not, you might be missing out on something more special.
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I think it also comes down to why you hunt. Sure, we all want to kill giant mature bucks, but that is secondary to enjoyment for me. I may never kill a B&C buck and probably won't, but I hunt the way I enjoy. I enjoy watching the sun come up and the woods wake up. I enjoy sitting until 10 or 11. I enjoy waiting on that magical last half hour of shooting light. I enjoy going to lunch with my hunting buddies and discussing our mornings. I do not enjoy sitting in a deer stand all day. I sit as long as I'm enjoying myself, but when the time comes that I'm forcing myself to stay I'm getting down.

Agree....and part of why I hunt is peace, quiet and solitude....I enjoy quiet time away from all the "noise".

And let me clarify....I'm not talking about sitting in a small climbing stand for 11 hours.... I've done it...it's tough....today my all day sits consist of multiple shooting houses or ladder stands with zero gravity seats.

When the rut comes I burn vacation time and want to get the most out of my time away from work....I get couch time at night......but again....no right or wrong answer.....I totally agree, it's all in what you enjoy.
I second what you and @Spurhunter said.

Just this past weekend I checked a camera I had hung at my grandmothers farm the end of Sept. Sitting in another stand Saturday evening I was scrolling through the pics, that morning at 9:30am a nice buck made an appearance.
Quick back story on that camera location;
My grandfather passed away in Feb of this year. I hung that camera in the stand location that he always hunted for muzzy opener. I couldnt bring myself to hunt it, just too much emotion at the time. That same stand about 10 years ago he killed the biggest buck off that farm, same weekend.
Back to the card pull....I was sitting their thinking "man, if Papa were here today he would have killed that buck"...then it hit me, no he wouldn't. 9am is about the time he climbs down and heads back to the house to start breakfast. He loved to hunt but the older he got he loved the overall experience even more. He spent more time getting the coffee pot and breakfast menu ready than he did on the hunt planning. I enjoyed it too, sitting there at the breakfast table bsn' about what we saw, or didnt see. Talking about the one that got away, or laughing that big hank is probably under our stand at this very moment while we are sitting at the table sipping coffee.

Sure, all the big antlers I have hanging on my wall are nice but those memories I have of drinking coffee with my grandad are priceless. If you can make those memories by sitting in a tree all day, great but if not you might be missing out on something more special.

Great read AT....thanks for sharing...I wish I could eat breakfast right now with my granddaddy....but he's been gone many years.

Ironically he's the reason our family has the land we manage and hunt today....and the memories I have of him on this land is worth more than any big buck....and there's no place I feel closer to him than when I'm here on the family land... hunting.

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