10 am to 2pm hunt hours

OK. I have not any luck hunting 10 - 2. This afternoon, I was driving by the back of my property and I pulled over to look at some wheat and clover I planted in a clearing I created about 250 yards off the road. I cut & burned as well as girdled a bunch of birch, gum, and willow and plant to plant some other trees in there. 30 yards in I'm squatting on the ground and look up. Fifty or sixty yards to my right a ten point is just cruising by. 12:25 PM. Doesn't pay me a bit of attention. If I had actually been being watchful I would have had him, but that wasn't really why I was there. All I could do was watch him disappear into the brush.
Hunted in Illinois one week. Paid some money to hunt on guys property. He semi guided me, which amounted to telling me where a ladder stand was on edge of corn field. Told me to hunt till 8:30. Then go back about an hour before dark. I told him that i brought my climber, and I would hunt all day. He told me i wad crazy, that deer didn't move in Illinois during the day. I went in a strip of woods between corn and thicket. I saw tons of deer all day long. Including the two biggest bucks I've ever seen. One of them at 2:30. The "guide" could not believe when I would come back each day telling him what I saw. Deer move all day long, particularly during the rut.
Was that anywhere near Salem? I've been hunting in that area off and on since the mid 1980s. The deer body size is huge there compared to here in Greene County. In nearly 40 years of hunting that area, I've never had a buck field dress less than 200 pounds.
Was that anywhere near Salem? I've been hunting in that area off and on since the mid 1980s. The deer body size is huge there compared to here in Greene County. In nearly 40 years of hunting that area, I've never had a buck field dress less than 200 pounds.
Shucks... I can't remember. That's been about 20 years ago. I'll think on it and see if I can remember.
Was that anywhere near Salem? I've been hunting in that area off and on since the mid 1980s. The deer body size is huge there compared to here in Greene County. In nearly 40 years of hunting that area, I've never had a buck field dress less than 200 pounds.
I know it was southern Illinois. Can't remember the county or town. I'm still thinking 😂😂
Understand. Salem is in south central Illinois. It is roughly 30 miles northeast of where I-57 (that runs north-south from Memphis to Chicago) and I-64 (that runs east-west from Louisville to St. Louis) cross. There are some monsters in that general area. Saw the biggest buck I've ever seen in my entire life there last year (2020) during shotgun/muzzleloader season, but never could get a clear shot.
Same here. I'd rather go back to camp with all our buddies and cook a big breakfast, have a few beers and watch football - talk about what everyone saw and strategize for the evening hunt. If I had pics or observed a lot of deer movement during the 10-2 hours, I'd probably give it a go a time or two each season, but that is not the case. My all day sits have been VERY unproductive in the past. In fact, every buck I have killed on our place has been before 8:30 am.
I'm quoting my own post to state this: if cameras showed more movement in our really remote areas in thick cover (not to mention "regular travel corridors"), I'd do more midday sits. The cameras and my sits have been 100% unproductive during midday. This has been since 2001. Waste of my time in my area. Every area is different though!