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2022 rut report

The last week has definitely picked up in Hamilton county. I drive from Soddy to chattanooga everyday. There has been at least 4 bucks hit this week on hwy 27 and a new one this morning right at the Olgota (sp?) bridge heading south right before crossing the river.
7 point killed in town yesterday by a car.
Going swap my rifle for a bigger bumper.
Nothing here in southern middle. Mature buck photos at night. 50 to 60 does in cut corn fields in the afternoon and no bucks , other than a few yearlings feeding with the does. Hopefully it will start soon
Same for me. Primarily hunt Moore & Franklin Counties. Have pics of a few mature bucks but mostly at night with one afternoon showing. Hunted this weekend and saw a few younger bucks on their feet. Does moved consistently but no big boys showed up
This morning over here in East Tn. I was about to leave for work. I watched 2 bucks absolutely dog 12 doe's for an hour. One was a big one for sure. Watched them rub trees like they were trying to tear them down. Hoping they crossed the road to my side but they didn't and I already watched this for an hour. And I had to leave for work. Awesome show that's for sure. Glad I got to witness it.
A lot of action this morning here, not sure just how many does, as some could have been the same ones. Had deer crossing in front of me from both directions pretty well from the time I got in the stand at 5:45 until about 9:15. Either three or four different bucks, biggest was a 2.5 year old 6 with no brows. He followed a group of 3 does and a fawn. He was maybe 30 seconds behind them at the most.

Some of the does tarsals were half to three quarters of the way dark brown. Only saw one with clean white tarsals, and that was a doe fawn.
Saw about 10 does this evening and 4 bucks. The 2 larger bucks were cruising along pretty good with a purpose the others were eating and passing through. Had construction workers pretty close by which might have changed behavior where I was set up.
I blanked this am save for a single 3.5yo working scrapes. My buddy hit the motherload seeing 40 deer this am including a 4.5yo tending a doe and a 5.5yo just feeding while looking from a crest in the hill. Another friend went back to that area this eve and saw the 4.5yo from this morn with the ?same doe.

Not many does in estrus, but the bucks are really seeking hard right now.
Saw 10 does tonight and one 1.5 year old grunting and chasing them all over. Eventually he gave up and took all his aggression out on a scrape and made a bunch of rubs. Was pretty fun to watch but still no big boys in daylight unfortunately.
Watched a 3 year old growl and grunt like crazy yesterday afternoon at anything that looked like a doe. He proceeded to pee on his tarsals about 3 times with in 10 minutes. I did see 2 big bodied deer with antlers cut off today (11-14) on I-40 between Dickson and Nashville. There were 3 bucks dead on that route this morning which is the most I've seen so far. We have seen 0 chasing and I haven't even seen any chase trails through the woods yet. My shooter I've been after has not been doing much. I'm am afraid I bumped him with the horrible winds we had Saturday 😬. It's very obvious the does are hiding right now. I've seen them bedded in strange areas to get away from the younger bucks, and they are not moving much. I'd say deer movement has been at a minimum for us. North Williamson County.

I honestly think they are gonna run hard the week after Thanksgiving which would be way late for us. I've got out 14 cell cameras on transitions to help me know when they start chasing.

I'll hunt every chance I get right now, but I honestly think late season is gonna be on fire this year.
The rut is on fire in the Piedmont of NC. Hunted all day yesterday. The cold weather has them on their feet. Saw 14 total. Bucks cruising middle of the day and chasing does in the morning and evening. Saw a mature buck make a scrape and a rub. I'm back in the stand this morning and will hunt to dark. Supposed to rain off and on with a high today of 45. Hoping a shooter will slip up and cruise through. Good luck boys.
Saw 9 deer dead on 840 from dickson to Franklin, which is the most I've seen all year and saw a doe bedded with a buck watching her in Brentwood. 11-15-22