2024-2025 Hunting and Trapping Proposals

By law, the funds from the purchase of a lifetime license have to go into an escrow account set up for those sales. TWRA can only draw from interest made on that escrow account.

And, don't think that escrow account doesn't have a bullseye on it from some politicians when you hear discussions about doing away with the agency.
Until recently, I would have been against the "politicians" getting that money, now I don't really see any difference. TWRA is just as useless and wasteful when it comes to money, if not more so. Duck blinds, REALLY? Hugely expensive and then the blinds are junk, then all the idiotic regulations they added, 3 day draw, no blind hopping in many blinds, etc. (and I have not seen a blind in person but that is what Ruger told me , the blinds are a joke and I for sure trust his opinion). The CWD debacle, that is laughable, and the TWRA actually asked for "sovereign immunity" when taken to court? TWRA is really an honest agency, NOT. The illegals catching as many fish as they can, even using cast nets in broad daylight and they basically never get checked? Then they believed they could go onto any private land they wanted, at anytime, stay however long they wanted, camo themselves as they saw fit, and the officers make the decisions on all the above and more. Not so sure the politicians getting their hands on that money would be any worse than whatever the TWRA does.
Until recently, I would have been against the "politicians" getting that money, now I don't really see any difference. TWRA is just as useless and wasteful when it comes to money, if not more so. Duck blinds, REALLY? Hugely expensive and then the blinds are junk, then all the idiotic regulations they added, 3 day draw, no blind hopping in many blinds, etc. (and I have not seen a blind in person but that is what Ruger told me , the blinds are a joke and I for sure trust his opinion). The CWD debacle, that is laughable, and the TWRA actually asked for "sovereign immunity" when taken to court? TWRA is really an honest agency, NOT. The illegals catching as many fish as they can, even using cast nets in broad daylight and they basically never get checked? Then they believed they could go onto any private land they wanted, at anytime, stay however long they wanted, camo themselves as they saw fit, and the officers make the decisions on all the above and more. Not so sure the politicians getting their hands on that money would be any worse than whatever the TWRA does.
Bla, Bla,Bla

We know you hate TWRA. No need for the rants.
If they are rants, please point out any of what I posted that is false.
1. Like it or not (and I DON'T LIKE IT AT ALL), there were more hunters wanting changes in the blind drawings than those wanting it to stay like it was. I think it was a mistake, but, others have benefited from the change.

2. TWRA went with the best scientific information available at the time for their CWD response. It was a response started by some other states that had been at it longer. The jury is still out on that one.

3. TWRA officers operated under federal court decisions and state law that has been in effect for decades in going on private lands for enforcement. You may not like or agree with the laws, but the TN legislature specifically granted them that ability decades ago. And, guess what, other law enforcement agencies access private lands outside of curtilage without a warrant every day in the performance of their duties.

4. Illegals using cast nets suck. Unfortunately, for many years, the priority for officers in those counties in the spring and summer has been boating enforcement trying to keep down the carnage on overcrowded lakes. I don't know that I agree with that entirely, but do understand where it is coming from. And, having folks like you bragging that you won't call because you haven't seen an immediate response sure doesn't help.

And, with that, you can have it. Thank goodness for the ignore option.
1. Like it or not (and I DON'T LIKE IT AT ALL), there were more hunters wanting changes in the blind drawings than those wanting it to stay like it was. I think it was a mistake, but, others have benefited from the change.

2. TWRA went with the best scientific information available at the time for their CWD response. It was a response started by some other states that had been at it longer. The jury is still out on that one.

3. TWRA officers operated under federal court decisions and state law that has been in effect for decades in going on private lands for enforcement. You may not like or agree with the laws, but the TN legislature specifically granted them that ability decades ago. And, guess what, other law enforcement agencies access private lands outside of curtilage without a warrant every day in the performance of their duties.

4. Illegals using cast nets suck. Unfortunately, for many years, the priority for officers in those counties in the spring and summer has been boating enforcement trying to keep down the carnage on overcrowded lakes. I don't know that I agree with that entirely, but do understand where it is coming from. And, having folks like you bragging that you won't call because you haven't seen an immediate response sure doesn't help.

And, with that, you can have it. Thank goodness for the ignore optio

...and we have a winner!

LOVE the ignore feature!
Love the ignore when a "politician" answer is given. Had to add, that is every single hunter and fisherman I know feels, the TWRA just hits the "ignore" button when it comes to the law abiding everyday hunter and fisherman.

Never really answered anything. Ruger would agree, we talked about this every time we talked. I sure miss him.

1. Crying about money and the TWRA waste 10's of thousands of dollars on what are "junk" duck blinds. Talked to several duck hunters today and they can't believe the how bad the blinds are especially for how much they cost. Also, a commissioner had more input than most anyone else about this duck BS and how on earth can the TWRA be as crooked as they are? A crooked example is Camden, and I don't need an answer, the people who hunt there would like one, but all I know that hunt there says that TWRA connected people got the best blinds in Camden? How can that happen in a blind computer draw?

2. CWD, why did the TWRA ask for sovereign immunity when they were accused of wrongdoing and what the TWRA is accused of appears to be backed up by facts? Sovereign immunity is for those who think they are above the law. Also false positives in many areas but still claiming CWD was there and even though the same positives were found in east Tennessee, but they ignored them. I could go much further with that. Actually at one of the meetings, the TWRA rep, biologist I believe, told us that coyote and buzzard feces could spread CWD but hawk and eagle feces could not. REALLY? He even told us we were crazy for not believing him.

3. Didn't say anything about what they have done in the past, their arguments to try to continue to violate whoever's rights they want to. The argument the TWRA made that is if someone does not want them on their land, then that someone should stop hunting, that is it just stop hunting, they still want to have the right to be what a majority of hunters (funny how the TWRA did not mention fishing) believe is the TWRA thinking they are judge and jury. I don't know about the other law enforcement agencies, but I believe they at least have probable cause or believe they do. The TWRA wants to be able to go ANYWHERE THEY WANT TO, ANYTIME THEY WANT TO, and the OFFICERS make the call as to when and how long they stay. That sounds legit to me.

4. Your answer here would have some validity, but guess what, they are not really enforcing boating safety or laws either. It is a rare day in the past few years that I go to the lake, even if only for a couple hours, that I do not see boating laws broken, safety laws not even paid attention to, etc.

Like I have said I have given up calling the TWRA and I am far from alone. Almost every fishermen and hunter I personally know believe it is a waste of time to call the TWRA anymore. I feel bad for the officers, they are overworked and underpaid and there is not even remotely enough of them. For the TWRA to spend (they should be spending more or law enforcement and safety monitoring on the waters) what they did on duck blinds and battling CWD (other states have tried everything the TWRA has tried and no where has CWD been slowed, cured, or really any new information found out), the TWRA is just like the government wasting money. I am for trying to stop CWD and believe it is not good for anything, but to just try what has been tried over and over and has never had any success of any kind is plain stupid.

I used to be against them, judges who didn't support the TWRA, but now I support those judges.
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The $ from lifetime goes into a savings account, normal license sales goes to everyday bills, I gave them $1620 in 2006. I have no regrets about mine or the grand kids I bought.
...and we have a winner!

LOVE the ignore feature!
oh that ignore button!!! 😂. maybe we can graduate kindergarten eventually!!! give me a break!!!!!
I'm wondering how they can possibly enforce poachers if they can't go on private property without getting a warrant. Or do they not need one if probable cause is suspected. Think of it like this. Police or FBI can come to your house but can't enter without a warrant or permission. Well in order to get to the house don't they have to be on private property. But TWRA can't even come on your property without a warrant.i might be totally wrong if i am forgive my ignorance.
Soooo, back on topic. Found this stashed in my email from TWRA.


It also states that there will not be a unit CWD but:

TWRA encourages hunters to continue taking advantage of CWD incentive programs including Earn-A-Buck, Replacement Buck, and processing vouchers to reduce populations and help TWRA fight CWD. The programs will be available to hunters in any CWD positive county this fall deer season.

Which makes more sense because some had positives but only had the negative affects without the other good things. Of course you still have restrictions such as no feeding, salt or taking out of positive counties without deboning.
Soooo, back on topic. Found this stashed in my email from TWRA.
View attachment 232700
View attachment 232701
It also states that there will not be a unit CWD but:

Which makes more sense because some had positives but only had the negative affects without the other good things. Of course you still have restrictions such as no feeding, salt or taking out of positive counties without deboning.
I have heard that the Tennessee river is still the cut off for transporting Deer East....That doesn't seem to be a change from the CWD rules.....I don't think that even TWRA knows.......This came from a higher up a TWRA too...
Here's an example for those too STUPID to know what a green stipe is! 🙄
View attachment 229130
By not knowing y'all insider childish stuff doesn't make us stupid. To me a Green stripe is what you got when you were an NAVY E-1 Airdale getting advanced to E-2 (2 green stripes) or E-3 (3 green Stripes). Then at E-4 you got a Red chevron with an Eagle and your Rate in the center. Who would have thought that a green stripe= ignore option. Y'all must be Democrats... That's all they do is cause problems and Ignore people....
I have heard that the Tennessee river is still the cut off for transporting Deer East....That doesn't seem to be a change from the CWD rules.....I don't think that even TWRA knows.......This came from a higher up a TWRA too...
I don't think so, Hardin is on both sides, and I think Lewis has positives as well. I think the rule is that you can't transport out of positive counties unless it's to another positive county. I don't know if they changed anything about the counties next to a positive one though.
I don't think so, Hardin is on both sides, and I think Lewis has positives as well. I think the rule is that you can't transport out of positive counties unless it's to another positive county. I don't know if they changed anything about the counties next to a positive one though.
Last season it was the Tennessee River For all those Counties west of the River. I felt like some of those rules were crazy....Hopefully they have changed this rule
Last season it was the Tennessee River For all those Counties west of the River. I felt like some of those rules were crazy....Hopefully they have changed this rule
They had this color code image which has three counties on the other side, so technically a path to Lewis was possible. What I never found out though, is if it was origin and destination, or going into any non-positive county was off-limits, so no crossing into a yellow to get to another green. So Decatur-Wayne-Lewis was fine, but not Decatur-Perry-Lewis.

By not knowing y'all insider childish stuff doesn't make us stupid. To me a Green stripe is what you got when you were an NAVY E-1 Airdale getting advanced to E-2 (2 green stripes) or E-3 (3 green Stripes). Then at E-4 you got a Red chevron with an Eagle and your Rate in the center. Who would have thought that a green stripe= ignore option. Y'all must be Democrats... That's all they do is cause problems and Ignore people....
Who exactly is "y'all" and "us"? And it's pretty easy to read how the forum works. It's right up top on the menu. Don't like what someone post? Simple solution, click ignore and it shows up as a green stripe whenever they post. How in the hail someone can spin a hunting season proposal thread into a military ranking post is beyond me. However, I'll give you a attaboy for making the dumbest post I've seen in a while. And btw, I smell a 🐀
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By not knowing y'all insider childish stuff doesn't make us stupid. To me a Green stripe is what you got when you were an NAVY E-1 Airdale getting advanced to E-2 (2 green stripes) or E-3 (3 green Stripes). Then at E-4 you got a Red chevron with an Eagle and your Rate in the center. Who would have thought that a green stripe= ignore option. Y'all must be Democrats... That's all they do is cause problems and Ignore people....
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