2024 Live from the stand

Edmonson county KY. Blind Turtle box blind two feet off the ground. This is a saddle with tall hill in front and behind. Lots of deer traffic. Gravity feeder, mineral lick and cuddeback camera. Eleven does, six fawns and three bucks yesterday opening morning. Did not see any of my shooters.
I had never heard of Blind Turtle blinds. After looking them up I really like it. Did you buy it locally or order it?
The father and son selling them live in Ohio. Think near Columbus. I drove up there and threw it and the base in the bed of my pickup. That was cheaper than shipping. They are really nice blinds and I saved the widow cutouts and made like storm shutters. To be honest if you have a driving rain windows will leak just a little. That's why I made the shutters. It's made to just sit on the ground no floor or buy the base and put it up on 4x4's. I got the base and have carpet on top of the plywood floor and an office chair.
Edit: the owners at the time and this was like four years ago said there was a dealer east of Cincinnati in Ohio right by the Ohio River. He was out and I was in a hurry so drove on up near Columbus. Might be more dealers now.
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We have seen seven so far. They have been feeding either on acorns next to us or in food plots. Have a big doe about 150 yards way that keeps looking down the hill. She was stomping, could hear something running down there, hoping it's a bigger buck.

This little guy keeps hanging around and my son may change his mind.
We have seen seven so far. They have been feeding either on acorns next to us or in food plots. Have a big doe about 150 yards way that keeps looking down the hill. She was stomping, could hear something running down there, hoping it's a bigger buck.

This little guy keeps hanging around and my son may change his mind.
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Couple years ago on the juvi hunt we had 2 small bucks come out at daylight. They fed around from about 100 to 20 yards or so. My nephew wanted to wait. As they stuck around he changed his mind and wanted to shoot about the time they were fixing to exit the field. He made a good shot but I told him way to give up a 25 yard shot for 100 yarder lol.