2024 Live from the stand

First sit of the year and it's surprisingly nice compared to what I thought it was going to be. Thought I was gonna be just sitting in constant rainfall which is why I chose the blind.

Already had two does walk infront of me no more than 15 yards, but first day jitters had my heart pounding and by the time I pulled myself together and was able to quietly draw back I was just staring at their butt end as they casually strolled off.

The ground is so soft I never heard them even when watching them walk. No crunching, no rustling, nothing.

Good day so far, good luck to those out there today. Y'all stay safe


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I have this young man 20 out here for his first ever hunt. Introducing the sport to him.
Big doe and 2 fawn. Doe left and the fawns are bedded down 15 yards from the blind. Decoys!


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Here's a couple of my spots I've had this morning. Hunting some public land, got here just before daylight and already had 3 other trucks at the entries ( of course that not many compared to most public land but the last couple years I'd only see 1 maybe 2 vehicles ever). So far I've seen a guy walking his dog, a couple city slickers with camera gear, a trail cam and a blind.

And for the first time ever in Tn, I flushed out a deer. Don't know buck or doe just heard a rustle and saw the white tail. Definitely got the blood pumping. I only hoping to fill the freezer, haven't had venison for nearly 15, except for a couple times a friend gave me some a couple years ago.

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