Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! I tried to move to a higher percentage tree and I just stunk it up this morning, made a ton of noise getting up and my bow got hung on the ground so made more noise getting down and back up. Wind was marginal to begin with and was swirling, skeeters eating me up so got busted moving by 3 does, a spike walked under me then went up the hill and starts blowing….just bad. I couldn't do anything right. Fixin to get down.
Well I was waiting for the end of the weekend to see if I could find this deer.
I understand the feeling man, just in a different way.
At ~8am Saturday morning, I shot what would've been the biggest buck of my hunting career. He wasn't massive, but a good mature buck. Maybe 15-16 ft up, about 10 yards away, just the slightest quartering away, I hit him high, up and down, but good, left to right. He freaked out, ran into my stand and broke the arrow off, ran out of the treeline and around the corner. I would've sworn I caught atleast one lung especially at the angle I was to him.
After about 45mins to an hour, I got down and looked at my arrow, the front 12" of it was missing, I'm assuming still in the buck. My father in law and I looked for blood, found the first sight of it about 100 yards away. We tracked this blood for about 450 yards total before it just stopped, not a drop more. Spent a total of maybe 6 hours looking for this guy. None of the blood was thick on the ground, it was mainly up high on the tops of beans and grass. Everything else was mainly just a drop her or drop there. I think I saw only 1 or 2 spots were there was a decent splotch of blood, maybe 3-4 inches in diameter on the ground, I'm guessing where he slowed down.
Today I checked for buzzards twice, once before church and then around 3pm. Nothing.
My father in law and my best buddy thinks that it must've missed vitals, that it was an nonlethal hit and that he'll live.
Feel sick to my stomach. I know it's bound to happen to hunters if they hunt long enough, but dang I wish it wasn't me. Wounding a deer is gut wrenching. It has felt like a long weekend.
I'm just praying that he got the arrow out somehow and that I see him on camera soon. Just want some closure.
The picture is one of him from earlier this season