208 inch buck

Huge huge buck!

I hunted in neighboring Franklin county a ton for turkeys and a bit for deer for years, and it is absolutely beautiful and perfect habitat.
I can't get over this buck…up until now my favorite record book bucks has been the Jordan buck. I love the way the Jordan bucks carries his mass all the way out to the tip of each tine. To me this creates the appearance of a much more massive rack when compared to say the Hanson buck. However you can't overlook the massive frame that the Hanson buck stacks all those long tines on. This deer however has both of those unique features in spades! He's incredible! Big time congrats to the hunter! It's all down hill from here lol.
It said he's an aspiring country singer. I bet he had a friend who does photography and did his glamour shots come out on short notice, lighting equipment in tow. He called 4 buddies to help him drag it out, too.
He knew this deer was going to get published in magazines, etc. A critical piece of that is having good quality pics.
That buck was going to be published no matter how bad the pics turned out! At least he's not putting promo products in the pics....yet.