.223 for deer in Tn?

People are killing elk with 223 at long range. Never would've crossed my mind to try

People are killing elk with 223 at long range. Never would've crossed my mind to try

Man that is something that I would not do. At long ranges the energy of a .223 drops so bad, no matter how great the shooter is, that seems to be iffy and unethical. I would say it's a crap shoot.
I was thinking about getting an ar 15 and was wondering if I would be able to deer hunt with it
If you're open to chamber then consider looking at one chambered in 300blk or AR-10 platform chambered in 300win. .223 will kill a deer too though, all depends on shot placement. There are probably some .223 rounds that expand well enough to kill whitetail in this part of the country. I agree with what Omega said, I don't think a .223 is unethical but there's other calibers in an AR platform that would give you larger round to hunt with if you wanted.
If you're open to chamber then consider looking at one chambered in 300blk or AR-10 platform chambered in 300win. .223 will kill a deer too though, all depends on shot placement. There are probably some .223 rounds that expand well enough to kill whitetail in this part of the country. I agree with what Omega said, I don't think a .223 is unethical but there's other calibers in an AR platform that would give you larger round to hunt with if you wanted.
I agree. A .223 will definitely kill a deer. Range dictates whether it's an ethical shot. My buddy used to hunt elk with a 25-06 and never left one in the field, however, he knew it range.
People are killing elk with 223 at long range. Never would've crossed my mind to try

And bears, moose. I wasn't too impressed with a 223 kill several years back but I'll try it again this year hopefully
I am sure I am going to take heat for saying this, but not a chance I would use a .223/5.56 for deer. I have a ton of experience with this round and have seen way to many 110 pound malnourished Al-Qaeda and ISIS fighters take multiple rounds and keep coming. And I am not talking about the green tip rounds either. Just my opinion though, other users experience may be different.
I am sure I am going to take heat for saying this, but not a chance I would use a .223/5.56 for deer. I have a ton of experience with this round and have seen way to many 110 pound malnourished Al-Qaeda and ISIS fighters take multiple rounds and keep coming. And I am not talking about the green tip rounds either. Just my opinion though, other users experience may be different.
A lot of hunter easily take white tail deere with 223 using the proper ammunition. Hornady bthp will plow completely through a deere busting rib bones heart and lungs without a problem.But shot placement and proper bullet are the key.
I am sure I am going to take heat for saying this, but not a chance I would use a .223/5.56 for deer. I have a ton of experience with this round and have seen way to many 110 pound malnourished Al-Qaeda and ISIS fighters take multiple rounds and keep coming. And I am not talking about the green tip rounds either. Just my opinion though, other users experience may be different.
Had the same problems in '69. That round I believe was made to wound and take 3 people off the field instead of just one. But my 14 was definitely the way to go!
I'll stick with my 7 mag. I haven't had one that I hit run off in 30 years. Some say it's over kill. My buddy does more damage shooting them through the shoulders with a 223 to make sure they don't run off. Sometimes they run off anyway.
I'll stick with my 7 mag. I haven't had one that I hit run off in 30 years. Some say it's over kill. My buddy does more damage shooting them through the shoulders with a 223 to make sure they don't run off. Sometimes they run off anyway.
Hitting the shoulder can sure ruin a lot of good meet, especially considering the amount of meat available.
I'll stick with my 7 mag. I haven't had one that I hit run off in 30 years. Some say it's over kill. My buddy does more damage shooting them through the shoulders with a 223 to make sure they don't run off. Sometimes they run off anyway.
No such thing has to dead brother.
I would bet there are a lot more deer lost to arrows than bullets, if you want to talk about ethics be sure to include all the weapons that are used.
I would bet there are a lot more deer lost to arrows than bullets, if you want to talk about ethics be sure to include all the weapons that are used.
Actually, when they did a controlled type study years ago on a military base, they found the opposite. There was a much higher percentage of loss with firearms than with bows.

It doesn't seem possible until you think about idiots that won't even walk over after shooting a firearm if they don't see the deer drop in its tracks or show some visible sign of a hit. I have a friend that was guilty of that, and ended up recovering two deer for him that he was sure he had missed.
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