300 blk for deer

Love to have a bolt 300 black out for my little girl. Been looking for a cva scout. Hard to find
My kids use the little CVA Scout 300BLK with a suppressor. We shoot the factory Barnes 110 gr Tac-TX. It performs excellent and we haven't lost a deer yet and most are bang flops. It's a great gun to hunt with out of a treestand in the woods.
It's always been a shame that the .30-30 has always been loaded with flat point or round nosed bullets. The Leverevolution ammo is a whole new ball game though.
It's because it's a tube fed magazine fed situation. If it was a Spitzer or pointed projectile in a tube. The recoil could potentially set the primer off. It's iffy that it could happen. But it could. That's why they don't do it.