.490 vs .495 RB

I hunt with a .50 caliber T/C Hawken with 90 grains of Pyrodex behind a 350 grain maxi-ball hunter. Clover leafs at 50 yards. I've never used round balls. Always figured it was too much work.
Typically.490's are easier to find locally.

I've always shot .490 with blue pillow ticking patch .018 patch per my measurement.

I have owned several TC Hawken & Renegades over the years a found 70 to 90 grain loads of fffg black powder work very well.
Try several variations of powder & patch combinations too see what your gun shoots best..


Others mileage my vary..
.495s are typically used in bores that are oversized. Most barrels prefer the .490s. Plus that gives you more options with you thickness of patches.
I also use 90 grains and hand poured maxi hunters and they are killing machines. I have used round balls before but the maxi hunters are hard to beat.
I was around and shooting real muzzleloaders when TC introduced the Hawken. TC was trying to please everyone by having a compromise barrel, supposedly to handle both ball and full bore conical. However, the 48" twist and shallow rifling was not ideal for patched balls and really good accuracy just won't happen. I'm not surprised that one poster is getting cloverleafs at 50 because I feel the bore can handle a proper bullet better than it can the patched ball. Like others have said try some different combinations of powder, patch and ball and maybe you can find the sweet spot. Another alternative, if you're dead set on using a ball is to send it off to Bobby Holt who is well known in muzzleloading circles. He can rebore or reline your barrel to handle patched balls nicely. I understand his service cost is fairly reasonable as well.
I used to shoot round balls in a T/C New Englander. 50 caliber. I've tried .490 and .495 in it. I couldn't tell a lot of difference in accuracy. Except the .495 was harder to load. Your results may vary.