rattling mule kickers. built like a tank
Some guys have swapped out the factory safety for an aftermarket one that's shaped differently. It has a piece that sticks up higher than the original.Same, I've hunted with that safety for years.
I could definitely see that catching on something. Modified safety switch sounds like a bad idea.Some guys have swapped out the factory safety for an aftermarket one that's shaped differently. It has a piece that sticks up higher than the original.
It's supposed to make the safety easier to activate/deactivate.
I wonder if that's what happened in his case?
I saw the videos on swapping the safety out, but the original works perfectly- also doesn't typically move when rubbed against clothing etc.
Fixed it for you!I could definitely see that catching on something An 835 sounds like a bad idea.
If anyone wants to give REN am 835, I will take it instead. I'm not turning my nose up at a free shotgun.I literally wouldnt own one if someone gave me oneNo knock on people that like them, I just cant stand them.
I had a very close call with this exact scenario years ago. Got up to move and reposition on a bird quickly , dropped off a thick hillside and not only did my safety get moved but got caught in some vines and my trigger got pulled as well with gun on sling around my shoulder , 20" barrel up around top of head level . Very thankful it didn't turn out like it could have !The only thing that has turned me off of 835s is the safety. Every person that I have hunted with that owned one at some point the safety gets flipped off by rubbing on vest, decoys, body when moving through the woods. After the first, I walk behind and flick it back down when it happens.
Next time before you jump up to move , put your gun back on safetyI had a very close call with this exact scenario years ago. Got up to move and reposition on a bird quickly , dropped off a thick hillside and not only did my safety get moved but got caught in some vines and my trigger got pulled as well with gun on sling around my shoulder , 20" barrel up around top of head level . Very thankful it didn't turn out like it could have !
Glad you dodged it. It's very common. All that holds the safety it a screw and a ball bearing. If the screw is a lil loose it happens. Too tight and it's a booger to switch off.I had a very close call with this exact scenario years ago. Got up to move and reposition on a bird quickly , dropped off a thick hillside and not only did my safety get moved but got caught in some vines and my trigger got pulled as well with gun on sling around my shoulder , 20" barrel up around top of head level . Very thankful it didn't turn out like it could have !
I'll take it if your still giving it away. You probably could contact mossberg for a replacement barrel.I have hated my 835 from the first day I got it, Yes it shoots... Left bad, I bought it new from wally world back in the early 2000s and had to put a red dot on it just for aim at the center of where it patterns. Its kinds discerning when looking through the red dot and its clearly way left of the end of the barrel. 1 single 3.5" mag and your jaw, cheek and brain will hurt for hours even after I added a recoil pad to it I still wont pull it out of the safe to shoot. Ive tried giving it away many times and no one wanted it. Heavy as a tank and best used as a club. There are so many guns way better that it'll sit in the safe until I get around to modifying it into a golf ball or tennis ball launcher attached to a base.
I considered contacting them years ago but with as many quality shotguns as I have this ones just gonna one day be cut up and repurposed.I'll take it if your still giving it away. You probably could contact mossberg for a replacement barrel.
Piggybacking off @REN Thread.
Does anyone else consider the mossberg 835 garbage? I'd never heard this opinion before and it has me curious. Is there another gun that can outpattern and out kill the old tried and tested 835? Should make a good discussion.
I think the ppl that say it's garbage cannot handle it. That said, before you get one, shoot one. You may find yourself flinching which will not be good for accuracy. I have the Ultimag 12ga and shoot 3 1/2" 4-5 shot and it is deadly to 50 yds. I don't shoot it past that because I'd rather get them in closer. Turkey hunting for sport, not for sustenance...lol.... As far as other guns and patterning...most of that is distance. Ppl see the youtube vids on 70 yd shots with a 410 and TSS... To each is own I guess,,,,Piggybacking off @REN Thread.
Does anyone else consider the mossberg 835 garbage? I'd never heard this opinion before and it has me curious. Is there another gun that can outpattern and out kill the old tried and tested 835? Should make a good discussion.
No one fully understands a "kick" unless they have shot 3.5" out of a 535. 835 has nothing on them! And YES 835's kick hard!
That's the thing. You don't notice it. And yes, if it shot 4", I'd be using them too. I'm not going to go so far as to say the ones that feel it kicks hard sit to pee...but their husbands might...What a bunch of pansies, yall probably sit down to pee too, right?
I've never noticed the 3.5" kicking much at all.
If they made a 4" model- I'd probably be shooting it.