835 garbage?

I have at least 5 very different 870s (12s and a 20 gauge) and have never had any problem with any of them. And I never liked the rattling sloppiness of Mossberg actions and the safety on top of the pistol grip which is known to break off occasionally. But still - Mossbergs are known for their reliability and durability. If you want an interesting comparison just Google "mossberg wins military contract":

I'm a fan of 870s and 835s honestly. Also the 1100, 11-87, and the 935.
Especially the ones built in the 90s through 2000s.
I have at least 5 very different 870s (12s and a 20 gauge) and have never had any problem with any of them. And I never liked the rattling sloppiness of Mossberg actions and the safety on top of the pistol grip which is known to break off occasionally. But still - Mossbergs are known for their reliability and durability. If you want an interesting comparison just Google "mossberg wins military contract":

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This was my deciding factor when shopping for another 12 gauge. I went with the 500 and use it bird hunting. Couldn't be happier.
I carried one for a duty weapon for a while. Qualification was ten rounds of buckshot and ten rounds of rifled slugs (5 each day/night). My shoulder carried a pretty nice bruise the next day.

But, it was by far the best shooting shotgun I carried for patterning the buckshot, and it would cloverleaf slugs if I didn't flinch (which I was guilty of on some of the latter rounds).
My 500 will rattle your dentures with a sabot in the rifled barrel, put scope on it for a hunt in Oak Ridge, if I draw it again I will shoot open sites, hurts to bad zeroing 🤣
Yup, just have to grow a pair!

I personally no longer use the Mossberg, but I like the mess out of em.

I also don't understand the complaint of recoil. I can't feel it shooting at a turkey. The range, yes, but just toughen up and shoot a shot or two to check the patterns.
I do however understand if you have a shoulder or handicap issue.
I also understand if you don't want a hard recoil gun then by all means do so.
But recoil is no factor to me.

I personally no longer use the Mossberg, but I like the mess out of em.

I also don't understand the complaint of recoil. I can't feel it shooting at a turkey. The range, yes, but just toughen up and shoot a shot or two to check the patterns.
I do however understand if you have a shoulder or handicap issue.
I also understand if you don't want a hard recoil gun then by all means do so.
But recoil is no factor to me.
Could it be that increasing femininity has crept its way into the TnDeer gang?
Had a buddy that had an 835 It was the one with the rib on the barrel. After some shooting the rib broke loose, so he took it to a local welding shop for them to spot-weld the rib. It looked good until he shot at a turkey at about 30 yards, turkey just stood there looking around, so bud jacked another round and shot, same thing. ,come to find out the welding had bent/pulled the barrel about 2 inches to the right at that range. We stopped at a pawnshop in the city of Okeechobee Fl on our way to fish, traded for a 870 with a little boot. SOMEWHERE IN SOUTH FL THERE IS AN 835 WRAPPED AROUND A TREE
Two grands that like to turkey hunt so the oldest usually grabs the 835, youngest 870 youth 20 & that leaves pops with the H&R single barrel 3-1/2". Talk about something that kills on both ends! I patterned it about 20 years ago and never will again. Have killed a bunch of birds with it and it's a pleasure to tote, but man it packs a punch..
I don't have any problem with any mossberg … BUT if I could say something to them . They could make the pump action so that they don't rattle like they do. You don't have that rattle in a Remington 870
That's my only problem with the mossbergs
Amen brother. The rattling is why I went to the Winchester SXP. I love my Mossberg. It shoots as great. It's just that rattling that I couldn't put up with.
To each their own but the gun is overkill. Just not needed anymore. After seeing gobs get folded like a cheap suit with my sons 410 there is just no sense... Same with the 3.5' shells. Marketing..
When I started turkey hunting, my buddy said I needed a single shot 10 gauge H&R, so that is what I got. Then I stepped up to an 835 in the early 90's and never looked back. It was a cream puff compared to the 10!
Hah I did the same exact thing !!! Sold
The 10 and got the 835. I don't feel like it kicks at all. It may rattle a little walking in. But like others have said. I've beat the crap out of mine.

I did get my boy a .410 turkey gun. Hoping he can make it happen this year.

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