97 Suzuki king quad problem


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Erwin, TN
Ok …… starts fine, doesn't like to idle cold.
After a slight warm with choke off it will idle then revs super high RPM's , then lowers, then high RPM's
Back and forth…….
Manifold will get red at exhaust of head.
Pull out and anything past 1/4 throttle Boggs down like gonna quit.
Carb has been rebuilt , clean as a whistle!!!!!
Seems running lean too me. But why?
No leak in air intake, or lines to be found.
Fuel pump?

Changed carb, cheap Chinese model.
Idled better, still bogged at throttle.
Changed petcock………….much better!!!!!
Still missing a little, air box not back on yet.
Did find a small hole to seal. Hoping putting it back on will clean problems out completely.
Mine is having the same issue. Based on your findings, I will change the petcock again. Last one had an extra vacuum port I sealed off with a screw and some silicon.

Dang things are tough, and fun. Mine needs a new carb as well.
I have a 2000 that will run but when it gets good and warmed up it shuts down and will not start back . Any suggestions? I'm thinking coil but not for sure .

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