Well-Known Member
PRB said:Oh I see. So you scout by sound and communication and that dictates where you walk to and where you sit and hunt. Is that right ?
Another mistake people make is by trying to roost them in the evenings so that they will know where the gobbler is the next day. If you decide to roost one for a morning hunt, do so late in the day. I'm talking 15-10 minutes before it gets so dark you can't see. That is because alot of people go out about 2 hours before fly up time, walk around and call, and do nothing but scare turkeys away. They aren't very vocal in the afternoon anyways, so this tactic is usually fruitless.
Just like the morning listening, find you a high point, and stand there and listen. Try to be at spots where you will not spook birds. Most of the time they probably want gobble anywayws, but they may. If one gobbles, pin point it and be where he is about an hour before daylight. A good thing about getting in late and listening for a roosted gobbler, if you do make a mistake and spook one, he will at least probably be in hearing distance in the morning or if it is dark enough he may stay there anyways.