Adrian Peterson arrested for spanking his kid


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2007
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Middle TN ... child-case

I don't know the whole story but does anyone else think this is the dumbest thing you have ever heard. I don't have kids but when I do if they need a spanking they will get one. Didn't know they could arrest people for this.
What a joke!
Again I don't know the whole story but this just sounds like a bunch of bs to me.
redblood said:
evidently he left marks

He left some bad marks on the kid, but the story certainly isn't worthy of the national news attention it's getting. Not even on a slow news day.
Marks?? Marks?? That's what this whole load of bull is about? This angers me beyond belief. All we hear and read..athletes are thugs. Black athletes dont raise their children. Daddies need to be Daddies. Guys..if my Old his arrested for "leaving marks" on my big ass when I was growing up he would have got the electric chair. Switches leave marks. Belts leave marks. Momma's finger when pinching the crap out of you leg..yep they leave marks too. I don't know the details by no means.
When I was in law school I enjoyed learning about the grand jury process. AP was indicted by a grand jury and will have his day in court. Spending a little bit of time looking at all of what the media has uncovered about this case I might jump the line and question whether the NFL will have another felon on the field. The culture of the AP's who at his age have an unknown number of children from an unknown number of women continues the rampage brought about by the societal issues of siring instead of being a father. I doubt anyone texting about how they pounded a 4 year old son's scrotum is healthy. Just my two cents from the bleachers. What say you?
He admitted that when spanking his child that the switch wrapped around his leg and acted as a bull whip and that left the mark...he admitted that turned himself in and knew the kid had a doctors appt coming within the coming days and he didnt feel he did anything wrong....I for one believe him because i took a switch that did that very same thing to me....I am not opposed to him disciplining his kid....but its Liberal media and they are about to Drag him through the mud.
What really hurts is when mama make you go and cut the switch and it had better be the right one. A peach switch hurts worse than a pear switch. I still say yes sir and yes mam and don't wear a hat or cap indoors, and raised my children the same.
I don't think this was just spanking. Obviously this 250+ pound man used a belt on a 4 year old enough to leave bruises. This isn't a case of Momma making you cut a switch.

The medical community sees this as abuse. Is it necessary to hit a 4 year old hard enough to leave a bruise? Does this show your child that you are in charge?
No it shows your child he shouldn't be doing that. If they would arrest everyone who fathers a child when not married to the childs mother instead of someone trying to actually raise a child we would be one heck of a lot better off. There are a ton of statistics showing kids, especially boys, growing up without their father have a much higher risk of going bad. There are ton of folks right here on this website showing dad disciplining a child leads to boys that grow up right.
There is a difference between corporal punishment(spanking) and Child abuse. Kinda like pornography, its tough to define, but you know it when you see it.
The pictures are pretty graphic, but I think most sane people think what he did crossed the line. ... ild-abuse/

Bleeding wounds and leaves stuffed into a 4-year olds mouth is a bit excessive.
BamaProud said:
There is a difference between corporal punishment(spanking) and Child abuse. Kinda like pornography, its tough to define, but you know it when you see it.
The pictures are pretty graphic, but I think most sane people think what he did crossed the line. ... ild-abuse/

Bleeding wounds and leaves stuffed into a 4-year olds mouth is a bit excessive.

Those look like scratches compared to what my mama used to do to me. Then prayed like hail she didn't tell my dad when he got home from work.
Carlos Viagra said:
Its all about balance, IMO DCS will not pursue normal, healthy discipline of children.

It comes down to intent. If you are spanking a child with the intent to inflict pain or hurt them that is child abuse. If you are spanking a child with the intention of making them a better person, or as a teaching tool, that is acceptable to a certain extent. If when a parent begins to leave marks they are quickly approaching excessive...if not already exceeded it IMO.
...and yes we spank out kids. We've even used a belt and a wooden spoon occasionally. I haven't spanked my 8 y/o girl in a couple of years because she doesn't care. She would rather get spanked than get certain privileges taken away. Spanking still works on my 10 year old boy...but its getting very rare that it ever has to happen.
kinda torn on this I know the Spare the rod spoil the child quote. But this child is 4, and this man probaly bench presses 500lbs. I know about being beat,I could tell you some stuff I went through that is brutal. I have a 4 year-od grand-daughter, if those pctures were of her I'd be doing life without paroll. I know kids need disipline, but that on a 4 year old is a little much.
Terribly sad. My mom was a big proponent of using the belt (never in excess). However, now that I'm a parent I see no need for "props". I believe in spanking but I can correct and reinforce behaviors in my children with just an open hand when needed.
If you have ever been wiped by a switch you don't forget.It did not take us long to figure that out.That's whats wrong with some kids today.I don't mean beat them.But there is nothing wrong with letting now when they do something wrong.