Adrian Peterson arrested for spanking his kid

No blood PERIOD. Never an excuse to whip a child that hard. My Dad told me that my Grandpa was beating him with a "switch" one time, when my Great Grandpa grabbed his arm stopping him, told him that was ENOUGH! Had stripes and blood running down his legs. No, this it by FAR too hard and totally unacceptable imo.
MUP said:
No blood PERIOD. Never an excuse to whip a child that hard. My Dad told me that my Grandpa was beating him with a "switch" one time, when my Great Grandpa grabbed his arm stopping him, told him that was ENOUGH! Had stripes and blood running down his legs. No, this it by FAR too hard and totally unacceptable imo.

I never needed more than a firm swat on the rear end for my boys to know I meant business. A switch is a poor choice to spank a child with due to the damage that can be easily caused. AP went way to far with it.
I saw the pictures.
Yep, too far and too much.

The hardest thing I have ever had to do was whip my son.
I can't imagine bringing blood, no excuse in that.
I looked at the pics before I commented and my opinion is that he did whip him a little to hard but I don't think it was child abuse . This day and time when certain authorities get involved what was a good a$$ whopping can be abuse ! The bible tells you to beat them but I really think the bible must be talking about older children . Discipline has been taken out of the home and we see the results with our overcrowding justice system . I do believe you try to talk and reason with children first , take privileges away , ground or whatever works but some children this don't work believe me I know we raised 4 ! If a child will not obey their parents , will not obey teachers , will not obey law enforcement services then how in the round world will they obey God ! Like I said the bible plainly teaches discipline even to the point of whipping children but not abusing children , some times there is a fine line and a father is put in jail when he should not be. A man who does abuse a child is as low as whale poop !!!!!
I agree with Snake he whipped him a little to hard but this is not child abuse. AP was probably raised like many of us and got real switches up and down our backs. He is a strong man and did not have to swing hard to leave a mark. I am sure he feels bad for his child having the marks but not for being disciplined. YES A 4 YEAR OLD DOES KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG.
You do not whip a four year old child so severely it draws blood and leaves welts for days...period! This is true today, 50 years ago and 100 years ago and has nothing to do with the "wussification" of America or any obscure bible quotes.
Leaf said:
I agree with Snake he whipped him a little to hard but this is not child abuse. AP was probably raised like many of us and got real switches up and down our backs. He is a strong man and did not have to swing hard to leave a mark. I am sure he feels bad for his child having the marks but not for being disciplined. YES A 4 YEAR OLD DOES KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG.

He did a lot more than just leave marks. I am all for discipline, even spanking. This isn't discipline, its Child abuse. Not only should he be banned from the NFL he should face jail time.
We need the jail space for the dads who are not around to discipline their children or children that had NO discipline in their lives. Yes the marks are bad but this is one incident that he regrets. If it is a daily occurrence then yes it is abuse.

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