Backside of nowhere, 2 hour drag uphill, 7 mag at 80 yards, chasing a doe. I hadn't been in there since last year. Couldn't find my regular tree. Got in a random one as it was getting day light. Bonus CWD buck. I would not have been able to get a shot at from tree I was looking for. Very blessed. Just started using a saddle and climbing steps with aiders this year and absolutely love it. I have taken 8 and only one was in a tie up stand. I have sold three climbing stands on eBay to buy saddle gear this fall. I am so much more alert in saddle and it's a lot quieter going through the woods and climbing tree. Probably going to take down most of my lock on Summit stands and retire them. Seriously I have more confidence in places this thick in December. This place has a 5-6 year old clear cut, oaks, and fresh running water. Hard to access but worth it.
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