Ames Plantation Hunting Club Shrinking

For squirrel and deer hunting access, I paid $1200 annually for several years, then it went to $1620 annually. This was 2004-2018 timeframe.
Considering what I spend in food plots, habitat management, and stand upkeep/upgrades and land taxes every year, that's a pretty good price!
If not they ought to shrink the membership dues because of less acreage avaliable to hunt .
Agree but that's not their style. They will just allow the membership to decide the numbers that feel comfortable. Since they haven't raised dues in forever, they figure it's cheap with inflation.,
Until there's no critters left…yes. Which won't take long at all.
Way, way better than a subdivision. While it is a loss to a select few many others will hopefully be able to enjoy it for years to come. Plus the OP and others that were on the lease can still hunt it. I thought the place was sold and all the deer had died out according to some of the posts I've read over the last couple years.
Don't think it will be crowed brother . You still have plenty of property and everyone don't hunt the same days .
The number of hunters has been diminishing over the years. Last year it was only around 60 hunters. I expect this news will cause a few more to drop out. Hunters seem to end up in the same areas so it might feel crowded at first but I'm hopeful it won't be too crazy. I try to hunt during the week and leave the weekends for the working folks.
Don't think it will be crowed brother . You still have plenty of property and everyone don't hunt the same days .
The number of hunters has been diminishing over the years. Last year it was only around 60 hunters. I expect this news will cause a few more to drop out. Hunters seem to end up in the same areas so it might feel crowded at first but I'm hopeful it won't be too crazy. I try to hunt during the week and leave the weekends for the working folks
How many acres is this?
i don't recall exactly but about 8000 acres.
Unit 1 = 2,558 acres

Unit 2 = 2,650 acres

I'm not sure of the Unit 3 acreage that is part of the deal.

ROM estimate here, but it looks to be 5,500 - 6,000 acres total in the deal.
Unit 3 West of the little wolf river is part of the deal too. That's pretty much all that McNeil rd area.
West, TN could certainly use more public land if that turns out to be the case. Of course, with it being hard hit by CWD, it isn't what it used to be. Sad to see it getting broken up considering the history there.

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