Ancient Orange Mead

One Month:
BamaProud":3m204cs9 said:
The ancient part is the mead itself, I'm sure the ancient people flavored it with whatever spices and fruits they had available.

they could have had oranges. i forget that they explored and traded in the far east as well.
Thanks for posting these updates, its interesting and so many doors can be opened when looking back in time. its hard to imagine but food and drink killed a lot of folks in the old days and there were some smart folks that figured out the best way to use something to keep food from being wasted.
Lookin good!!
Are you going to rack it off into a secondary or just let it finish in the primary?
Looks like it's going to finish off fine where it is.
BTW, I just ordered some supplies for my blackberry wine. I ended up with a little over 25 lbs of berries. I need to make another batch or two of beer before I start the wine because i'll be using the same equipment and the wine takes so much longer to finish.
Ok so what does that mean about the fruit dropping, you have to educate us as we go along lol
mike243":28rfder7 said:
Ok so what does that mean about the fruit dropping, you have to educate us as we go along lol

The recipe calls to leave the fruit in until it drops. I don't but that's what the recipe calls for.
dralarms":2zcn7vm1 said:
mike243":2zcn7vm1 said:
Ok so what does that mean about the fruit dropping, you have to educate us as we go along lol

The recipe calls to leave the fruit in until it drops. I don't but that's what the recipe calls for.

I usually don't either, but this is for the Holiday Season, so I thought I'd give it a shot since I have time. its certainly clear enough to bottle now.
dralarms":a6y5pwhz said:
mike243":a6y5pwhz said:
Ok so what does that mean about the fruit dropping, you have to educate us as we go along lol

The recipe calls to leave the fruit in until it drops. I don't but that's what the recipe calls for.

Does it have something to do with the alcohol content? As the sugars convert to alcohol, the liquid gets less dense, allowing the fruit to fall?
Yea, of course its all about buoyancy, but I have my doubts that buoyancy is any real indicator of when the Mead is done (or finished). Like dralarms said, I don't usually wait for the fruit to drop, i just thought I'd try it once.
TAFKAP":1act2jep said:
dralarms":1act2jep said:
mike243":1act2jep said:
Ok so what does that mean about the fruit dropping, you have to educate us as we go along lol

The recipe calls to leave the fruit in until it drops. I don't but that's what the recipe calls for.

Does it have something to do with the alcohol content? As the sugars convert to alcohol, the liquid gets less dense, allowing the fruit to fall?

No it's finished fermentation after 14 days usually. I can't figure out why they say to leave it so I don't.
It took 3+ months for all the fruit to settle in the Right gallon. The one on the left has just been in suspension for a week or longer. Anyway, I racked off 1.5 gallons, then combined the remaining must from both jugs and I'm going to see if it will settle to salvage another 1/4 gallon or so.

Whats the final proof? closer to beer or wine? , thanks for posting all this , fun to watch it being made. Lot of stuff we dont see these days was common for everybody a long time ago