Anyone else this way?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
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East TN
I think I am the oddball on this - deer hunting is the only hunting/ fishing that I'm interested in. I've tried about every kind of hunting and have tried fishing numerous times, but I have no interest in any of them except deer hunting. And I am eat up with deer hunting. It's the only "hobby" that keeps my interest year round and year after year. I enjoy hiking, but even then I'm looking for deer sign, wondering what kind of bucks are in the area, looking for sheds, etc. I often wonder if I'm the only one so interested in deer hunting, but have no interest in fishing or other types of hunting. How about you?
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Deer hunting is my #1 no doubt. I got into Turkey hunting 9 years ago and really enjoy it as well. Got into trapping last year and enjoy that. But overall deer hunting is my go to.

I go to Chattanooga once a year (twice last year) with friends on a catfishing trip but that's about my extent of fishing. I have fun doing that trip but don't care for fishing any other time.
No I dont hardly fish anymore no time. But I am thankful that turkey season and deer season doesn't over lap. I love the chess match of deer though and the year round obsession of it. I love dove to we hunt doves 15 or 20 days a year. Ducks seem fun but I'm not traveling to duck hunt. I just love to hunt period.

Trapping is also an absolute blast.
I try to turkey hunt mainly because I want to be in the woods. It's okay and I've killed a few. I've hunted about everything squirrels, rabbits, dove, hog, etc. but it just don't keep my attention. I love fishing but rarely go. But I guarantee when opening day of deer season opens I'll be 20 ft up with bow in hand. I drive people crazy talking about deer hunting. I'm ate up to a point it's almost addiction. My wife is mad at me right now in fact because I'm trying to convince her where on the wall we need to put 1 of my 12 bucks.
When I was young I hunted everything and fished every chance I got. Then life happened and I dropped everything except deer hunring for many years. During that time I was serious about my deer hunting. Then I retired about 3 years ago. That event freed up a lot of time. I started turkey hunting again. I'm really getting into turkey hunting now. It has been a learning experience. The first thing I did after retiring was buy a fishing boat. Now I crappie fish every chance I get. I'm actually planning on going fishing as soon as temps get above freezing again.
I still fish and shoot other critters. Been paused on deer hunting since I hurt my shoulder. I'd rather quail hunt than any other activity like that though. That's what I grew up doin. No birds now though and I don't have a bird dog if there were birds. Sad ain't it?

I have way too many other hobbies though. Golf, watches, retro video games, sniffing glue. Point is, I be me
So I deer and turkey hunt a lot. More deer hunting but I am lucky, I love outside Fort Campbell and I am retired after 24 years in the Army and I am a 100% disabled veteran so I get second choice in areas on Fort Campbell after active duty. And I can hunt Tennessee because I live in Clarksville and I only live about two miles across the state line from Kentucky so some years I buy a non resident licenses for Kentucky. So in total I could kill four bucks a year between Tennessee, Kentucky and Fort Campbell. Plus three does a day on Fort Campbell and here in Montgomery County and three does in Kentucky and can buy additional doe tags if I wanted to on Kentucky for $15.00. So it's just I have more opportunity for deer than I do turkey. So all that within about 10 miles of my house. I think last summer I went fishing maybe 10 times, but honestly I try to catch up on stuff around the house before deer season starts in September. And I also bought a decent telescope and really got into it last year. I am kind of a nerd when it comes to astronomy etc.
It's a year round endeavor for me. Plots, trapping, habitat, scouting, data crunching, recovery with my dog, camp then hunting. All the prep is as fun if not more for me at this stage. I still hunt out west every year or two, but see that winding down in upcoming years.

Attempt to crappie fish but suck at it ,lol. Do a little turkey hunting but never really got excited about it as it's a 20# bird, meh.. Couple of grands like it so I do it for them.