Are smokeless muzzleloaders legal in Tennessee and are fire sticks now legal??

yes he's very good on email. he's not much of a phone guy though.
Yea probably easier to just shoot an email in down time and he's probably deaf from shooting all those guns and can't hear a phone ring and if he's running loud equipment no way he's hearing the phone ring.
Yea probably easier to just shoot an email in down time and he's probably deaf from shooting all those guns and can't hear a phone ring and if he's running loud equipment no way he's hearing the phone ring.
I always try email first and am pretty patient parting with my money.

Was a day when I ran a shop and probably mumbled a few bad words when hands full and people calling with obsession...
So you don't have to resize your bullets?
SOme (but not all) off the .451 size bullets will fit your bore perfectly without sizing. Some are too loose though and may need knurling and sometimes knurling is not even enough. Hornday XTP do fit my bore perfectly without sizing, but the rest don't. And every bore is slightly different. If you think you're gonna stick with saboted 40 cals you don't need the sizer right away. But if you eventually want to push your gun out to further yardages you'll want the sizer to experiment with different 45 cals.
Did Hankins do your conversion as well
Thank you for all the info too!
SOme (but not all) off the .451 size bullets will fit your bore perfectly without sizing. Some are too loose though and may need knurling and sometimes knurling is not even enough. Hornday XTP do fit my bore perfectly without sizing, but the rest don't. And every bore is slightly different. If you think you're gonna stick with saboted 40 cals you don't need the sizer right away. But if you eventually want to push your gun out to further yardages you'll want the sizer to experiment with different 45 cals.
how accurate are the saboted 40 cals?
Thank you for all the info too!

how accurate are the saboted 40 cals?
Hankins did mine and the saboted 40 cals are shooting 1/4 inch groups for me at 100 yards so pretty dang good. Using Pittman Accumax 228 grain bullets, smooth blue harvester sabots and 52 grains of IMR4198. Very soft shooting load and been deadly on the deer this year. All pass throughs with massive exits holes (longest shot so far was 95 yards) unlike my old standard muzzleloader which I could never get a pass through with.
Hankins did mine and the saboted 40 cals are shooting 1/4 inch groups for me at 100 yards so pretty dang good. Using Pittman Accumax 228 grain bullets, smooth blue harvester sabots and 52 grains of IMR4198. Very soft shooting load and been deadly on the deer this year. All pass throughs with massive exits holes (longest shot so far was 95 yards) unlike my old standard muzzleloader which I could never get a pass through with.
That sounds awesome! I never get a blood trail with a muzzleloader! Thank you!
A hunter comes without. The scout comes with one but they also have a thread protector
Yup I have the scout and just unscrew the brake when I shoot sabots. it comes with the thread protector. As to where to buy it, I got mine at Academy. But I'd check gun broker too. Also Hankins sells them when he has them in stock. you could email him and see when he will have more in stock.
Yup I have the scout and just unscrew the brake when I shoot sabots. it comes with the thread protector. As to where to buy it, I got mine at Academy. But I'd check gun broker too. Also Hankins sells them when he has them in stock. you could email him and see when he will have more in stock.
I got lucky and picked mine up from kimber here. Missed one a few months prior that had a leupold on it lol. Kicked myself over that one.
I got my Hunter from Buds. The Hunter is a cheaper rifle than the Scout. I couldn't find a Scout anywhere but Buds had the Hunter at the warehouse. Basically ordered/bought it on line and picked it about a week later. This was a couple of seasons ago