Asking for advise/ 20ga choke n tss

eddie c

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2001
Reaction score
jackson, tn
I need some advise. It looks like I may need to buy a grandkid a 20 ga for turkey season. I know zero about the TSS shot. What is the recommended choke for that type of shot?
Factory full or even modified shoot great with tss in most guns, especially if you're looking for a little bigger "hunting" pattern for a youth.

If you don't load your own, or know someone who does, I would suggest a higher end shell like Apex or Boss. Skip the offerings from Federal, Remington, etc.
the good news is 20 gauge unlike 12 gauges all have the same basic bore diameter which means a 575 is a 575 in almost all of them.

Indian Creek are tried and true with a lot of following behind them for their results with TSS, however they are pricey
Carlsons 575 is one the best for the $ IMO
Try the factory full first and see if it meets your expectations, with TSS being expensive its not fun trying different ones to find out though lol.

I cant speak to factory TSS offerings though, Ive loaded my own for a long time now.
I'm getting a pretty good pattern with my Trulock #9 with Federal 9s out of my Retay. Really tight close 25 yards and in so he has to aim, not point.
what kind of gun are they going to be using? I would recommend Apex or Rouge ammunition, both are small business and are not mass produced like federal or Remington. Indian creek or jebs choke tubes or carlsons would be a good recommendation for a good pattern. Even a factory full would be good for a youth hunter.
Indian creek creek choke .562 or .570. If you want to keep it cheap I'd go with a primos tighwad choke, I think it's a .570 as well. I can't say that I've heard one negative thing about it for being $25ish. If you buy a savage 301 single shot 20ga I'd shoot the factory choke first tho on paper. My son's shoots apex and satties fatties tss good out of the factory choke. Ppl knock on federal tss but out of my Indian creek it's a good even pattern at 40. The savage 301 and choke was made for the federal tss. If You want to keep it cheap look around for federal tss, you can find it for $40. Satties fatties is $50 and apex is $60ish.
I started my son out with a modified choke when he was 7 as I wanted more room for error. We kept his shots within 30 yards and he killed his first that year. He is now 16 and we mainly use Carlson non ported 575 and one factory full 585. I wouldn't get the pattern too tight, I like to keep a good even hunting pattern. TSS #9 is hard to beat and still we keep it 35 and in. Good luck!!!