Benelli m2?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2009
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I have a 20ga m2 Benelli that jams with regular field loads but want with hi brass field loads. It's clean and had maybe a case shot through it. Any ideas ? I'm thinking Maybe recoil spring.
My Black Hawk don't like low brass loads. Never had a problem when shooting high brass. Just the way the gun works.
I've had zero trouble with my m2 with cheap light loads. Sounds crazy but are you shouldering it tight that can by an issue with with inertia guns.

Could be spring weirdly as well. Send it back to benelli.
I had a similar issue with a Franchi Affinity 3. Sent it back for warranty work. They sent it back and said all was well. I recorded it and sent an email of the recording. They took it back under warranty a second time and determined it was a broke/weak spring. They replaced it and it has run flawlessly ever since.
I agree- send it in for repair.
If you need to borrow one while it's being fixed, let me know.
I'm not the original owner, I bought it from someone here not sure if it would be covered. I also have a m2 in 12 ga and a stoeger 3020 in a 20ga that will shoot any shell you put in it. This one seems like it dragging when you pull the bolt back and release it. Sometimes it doesn't have enough force to twist the bolt head where it will fire.
Put a Sure Cycle in it. My 20 ga. M2 shoots anything including this pile.


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Sure Cycle is a aftermarket stainless steel spring and carrier tubing that replaces the assembly in the rear of many inertia operated shotguns. I am sure now there are other manufacturers. This is the weak link in this gun design as water, powder and dirt make it's way into the the assembly by the plunger opening at the rear of the receiver. This slows down the cycle and the problems begin.
Also, the reason it first shows up is that heavy loads slam the assembly back and the spring pushed into the end of its battery has enough energy to cycle the bolt. Weaker shells, low brass don't have this inertia to cycle correctly. The older the gun and the less maintenance it has seen the problem will start to arise sooner.
I've had zero trouble with my m2 with cheap light loads. Sounds crazy but are you shouldering it tight that can by an issue with with inertia guns.

Could be spring weirdly as well. Send it back to benelli.
It's not crazy at all. It's exactly how the inertia system was designed to operate. The gun must recoil.