3500 acres under management for 19 yrs. Two adjacent clubs add another 8500 acres for 12k total continguous acres.
We too strive for 1:1.5 buck to doe. Members are required to shoot as many does as they do bucks each year. In addition & based on survey, we have the option to require 1-2 mandatory does per membership each year. This year survey showed us at 1:1.9, so we initiated the additional 1 mandatory rule. If a membership does not kill their quota, then they can't kill a buck the following year until their shortfall is caught up.
We strongly encourage that does be killed as early as possible during season & can only be shot on plots during bow, ML & the special private season in Jan after regular season closes.
This works very well for us & is adjusted each year as needed. After the 2007 EHD, we didn't kill a doe for 2 yrs & then slowly ramped it back up as surveys indicated.
Lots of mature (4-1/2+) bucks are killed each year on plots following does out & rut is usually intense with lots of chases being seen.
In past 19yrs we've killed 581 deer including 191 bucks, 374 does & 16 buttons. I didn't start recording age until 2006, so since then the 145 racked bucks killed have been:
2-1/2 yrs - 19
3-1/2 yrs - 51
4-1/2 yrs - 44
5-1/2+ yrs - 31
The above does not include bucks less than 2-1/2 yrs mostly killed by first time hunters (youth & wives) which alot of were spikes & such, maybe another 20 or so. Have the info but not with me right now...
This year we should kill 15-18 bucks & 30-40 does.